BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Letter to Sharian

Dear Father,   My squad is deep in the Mournland as we search for our friend Zakakaz. I can't tell you the details for security reasons but I can let you know that I'm safe and we were able to find him. And the warforged out here aren't the threat we were led to believe. I'll explain when I see you next.   It has been a rough adventure. The damage of the Mourning is horrific. We've seen ruined cities, battlefields where the corpses still look fresh, and mutated horrors wandering the countryside. Fortunately our team has persevered. Felryn's navigation skills have been invaluable while Emilie's scouting has saved us from disaster on more than one occasion. I still haven't told her how I feel about her. The atmosphere about here isn't terribly romantic. Maybe once we're back to civilization.   Belaluur did sustain a serious injury in our last battle, her arm was cut off. But Felryn was able to make her a prosthetic that is almost as good as new. He says it's better than the original but when he told her that she smacked him with it to "test it out."   We discovered that the warforged have created their own cult around a being they call "The Becoming God". I kept my mouth shut about the absurdity but Blessing has latched onto it for some reason. He seems to try on religions like they were fashionable clothes. First it was the The Silver Flame, now it's this Becoming God. I hope this is just a phase because it's rather insulting to those of us who believe.   We did discover two Mournland survivors, well kind of. One is a man named Angelus ir'Bandras who was a knight of Cyre. Somehow the Mourning transferred his soul into his shield and now he lives as an animate object. He is a believer in the Silver Flame as well and we've become good friends. Another is a gnome Lightning Rail attendant named Cockaby Rofferton. We actually found him dead but his body was preserved by the Mourning such that Blessing was able to bring Cockaby back from Dolurrh using a divine magic scroll we found. Unfortunately we could not save the rest of the casualties we found. Cockaby is very curious and asks a lot of questions, so basically a standard gnome.   I find myself with a quandary. We learned things that make me distrust the The King's Citadel's moral integrity. We're also technically away without leave since it's taken so long to find Zakakaz. They might court-martial us when we get back to Breland. And even if they didn't I can't say I wouldn't resign. Again, I can't write you details but I'll explain the next time I'm home. I'd appreciate your wisdom.   I hope the Silver Flame kept you safe during The Long Shadows.   Your son,   Adran


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