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Olofir Rochefort

Count Olofir Rochefort

FAMILY TREE NOT AVAILABLE   Count Olofir Rochefort, The Last Rochefort.   The early 900's were a bloodbath for the Rocheforts. Out of this walked Olofir Rochefort who became the Count of Teryk in 924 YK. A year later (925 YK), the Edict of Sanctified Blood was declared by King Kaius II. From that year forward, only the descendants of Galifar could inherit royal titles. Before this point, the Rocheforts had made a concerted effort to not inter-marry with the ir'Wynarns. It had only been nine centuries since Galifar had desecrated their name, after all. With the passage of that law, however, Olofir was required to sire an heir with a descendant of Galifar. At the time, the Rocheforts were in an advantageous economic position. Count Olofir used this advantage to secure a political marriage with Princess Justinia. They were married in 925 YK.   After the bloodbath of 900 YK to 920 YK, the only remaining Rocheforts were Olofir and a branch family led by Olofir's first-cousin. Olofir and this branch family were allies during the war of assassins that had occurred in the first days of the Last War. By Olofir's death in 963 YK, he had assassinated every member of this branch family. Olofir had four children with Princess Justinia from 928 YK to 935 YK, two sons and two daughters. Only Olofir's oldest, Cyphis, outlived him.   In 963 YK, Cyphis assassinated Olofir and became Count of Teryk. Olofir's children had tried to have him killed before, but Princess Justinia's spy network was too powerful. She had of natural causes in 955 YK, so those defenses had fizzled. When Olofir's body was discovered, it had been destroyed by a great blunt force. Only Olofir's teeth, and the Ring of Triumph that has long functioned as the mark of office of the Count of Teryk, could be picked out from the devastated corpse.   Biological parent of Cyphis ir'Rochefort. Husband of Princess Justinia Tenebris ir'Wynarn.


Justinia Tenebris ir'Wynarn


Towards Olofir Rochefort

Olofir Rochefort


Towards Justinia Tenebris ir'Wynarn

901 YK 963 YK 62 years old
Aligned Organization

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