
Beliviue, the dark counterpart to the vibrant city of Esmerth , lies hidden beneath another plateau within the Greenlands, yet its atmosphere couldn't be more different. Here, amidst the shadowy depths of the caverns, the capital of the macabre Sith and the stronghold of the Unseelie Court exudes an aura of sinister beauty and foreboding.   The buildings of Beliviue rise like ancient burial mounds from the earth, their darkened facades blending seamlessly with the rocky surroundings. From a distance, they appear as though they were hewn from the very stone itself, their entrances shrouded in shadows and mystery, beckoning the curious to venture deeper into the subterranean labyrinth.   Unlike the organic and flowing architecture of Esmerth , the structures of Beliviue evoke a sense of solemnity and reverence, reminiscent of mausoleums and family crypts. Yet within their depths lie the halls of power and intrigue, where the Sith and the Unseelie Court plot and scheme, their dark machinations hidden from the prying eyes of the world above.   The roads that wind their way through the city are eerily geometric, their precise angles and intricate patterns forming a maze-like network that seems to defy logic and reason. At key intersections, magical sigils are etched into the stone, their purpose known only to a select few among the Sith .  
"Death is not the end; it is the chilling silence that whispers of eternity." - Zelphar Virgeiros , Head Librarian of the Hall of Records
Owning Organization