
The Sith are one of the nine major Arak races. Serving under their lord, Prince Loht , the Sith lord over the Unseelie Court . The Sith show unsettling preoccupations with death and view it as a tool, perhaps because as immortal shadow fey they exist outside of the normal life-death cycle of nature. Sith are some of the few Arak that might have some level of kinship with the undead. Befitting their interest in the macabre, Sith are adept in necromancy. Despite their interest in death, the Sith still obey the Law of Arak and never kill their own kind.

Basic Information


Sith generally disdain combat because of its disorderly and uncleanly nature. Despite this aversion, they demonstrate all but supernatural speed in their strikes, favoring weapons of finesse such as the rapier. The sith may also employ necromancy spells as a wizard or generate an aura of fear to overwhelm nearby foes.   In times of war or other circumstances of concentrated Arak battle operations, sith animate fallen enemies as undead to bolster the main Muryan fighting forces. In such situations, sith follow the combat orders of the Muryan .   Sith demonstrate a physical resiliency against weapons, save for those made of silver or of sufficient magical strength to harm them. They also enjoy total immunity to weapons made of steel and fire. However, sith posssess the universal shadow fey vulnerability to sunlight.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
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