Castle Avernus

Castle Avernus, shrouded in an aura of sinister mystique, stands as a haunting testament to the reign of terror under the malevolent ruler, Azalin Rex. Situated atop a jagged cliff overlooking The Forests of Shadow , this once magnificent fortress now exudes an aura of desolation and dread. Its crumbling towers and broken battlements tell tales of a glorious past now lost to the ravages of time and neglect.   Once the seat of Azalin Rex's dark dominion, Castle Avernus was a place of unspeakable horrors. Within its shadowy halls, the wizard king conducted vile experiments, practiced forbidden rituals, and inflicted unimaginable suffering upon those unfortunate enough to fall into his grasp. The castle's dungeons echoed with the agonized cries of Azalin's victims, their tormented souls forever bound to its cursed walls.  Also, due to the strange nature of the structure, no flying creatures or constructs (save for carrion birds) are able gain entry to its towers and perches.   However, the reign of terror abruptly ended when Azalin Rex mysteriously vanished, leaving behind only whispers of his ultimate fate. Some say he was consumed by his own dark magic, while others believe he was dragged into the depths of the netherworld by vengeful spirits seeking retribution. Other say he somehow escaped the grasp of the Mists. Regardless of the truth, Azalin's disappearance did little to dispel the malevolent energies that permeate Castle Avernus.  Even the Kargat, Azalin's secret spy agency avoid the castle for reasons non have survived to share.
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