The Forests of Shadow

The Vuchar then passes through Il Aluk before entering the Forrest of Shadows, after passing through the shroud surrounding Il Aluk, the Vuchar is stagnant sour and dead for much of its course. The interior of the Forest holds isolated cottages, remote logging camps and of course Castle Avernus. Near the Falkovnian border there are a number of knightly estates granted for service that also serve as a first line of defence should Falkovnia invade. The forest itself is deciduous and thick canopies block out most light while the trees bear leaves, ominous shadows and predatory eyes peer out from its darkness. The region’s folklore is rich with tales of ash-dappled unicorns, moving tree spirits, magic lakes, siren song werewolves, and even a bell tower that got up and moved before falling to its doom. Sparse clearings may bear standing stone circles that the werewolves use to lure travelers with their song in the full moon. @Dark
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