
Creeana, once a thriving settlement, now lies in ruins, a grim testament to the devastation wrought by the Whistling Fiend. The once bustling streets are now overgrown with weeds, and the shattered remnants of buildings stand as silent witnesses to the tragedy that befell the town.   In the wake of the Whistling Fiend's rampage, only the most desperate souls have dared to return to Creeana seeking shelter amidst the rubble of their former lives. With a population numbering no more than thirty brave or foolhardy individuals, the town struggles to reclaim even a semblance of its former glory.   Efforts to rebuild Creeana have been meager at best, with only the most basic repairs attempted on the few structures still standing. These buildings, more akin to fortresses than homes, serve as grim reminders of the town's precarious existence in the shadow of danger.   Despite the passage of time, the scars of the Whistling Fiend's attack remain etched into the very fabric of Creeana. The air is heavy with an eerie silence, broken only by the occasional whisper of wind through the ruins. Those who call this desolate place home live in constant fear, ever mindful of the lurking threat that once brought their town to its knees.
Outpost / Base
Location under

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