Chapter 12 - Aboard the River Dancer

We Leave at First Light

The next morning, the troupe shook off the effects of the drinks from the night before and made their way to the docks along Lake Kreigvogel in Silberkopf . The crew of the River Dancer was already busy loading supplies onto the vessel, preparing to set sail at Captain Larissa Snowmane 's command. As they approached, Larissa greeted the party warmly and wasted no time in assigning them tasks to assist the crew with the final preparations.   In the midst of the bustling activity, the familiar face of Benjamin Schmidt , the Anchorite of The Church of Ezra whom the party had encountered at Hatzimvas Hospital (see Chapter 2 - Your Reputation Proceeds You ), hurried down the streets of Silbervas to join them. Larissa had hired the cleric to provide medical aid during the voyage, and Benjamin eagerly welcomed the opportunity to escape the zombie-infested lands of Falkovnia . With the crew and passengers assembled, the River Dancer was soon ready to embark on its journey, leaving the docks behind as it set sail into the unknown waters.

Off the Starboard Bow

The River Dancer sailed through the canals and riverways of the Vuchar River, a tributary of Lake Kreigvogel, diligently searching for any sign of the "Silver Stingray." Two days passed, and while the routine of seafaring provided some sense of normalcy, there was still no indication of the fate of Heinrich's missing vessel. However, as the third day drew to a close, the crew spotted a thick fog bank on the horizon, accompanied by signs of ship wreckage.   Navigating carefully, Larissa's first mate, Barnacle Brill , guided the River Dancer toward the wreckage, ensuring they avoided the treacherous rocks jutting from beneath the waters. They entered a large, open grotto within a cliffside at the base of the Hills of the Sleeping Army. Moonlight filtered through a skylight above, casting eerie shadows within the cavern. Against a small outcropping, the broken form of the "Silver Stingray" lay nearly capsized, its hull damaged from the impact.   On the opposite side of the grotto, a makeshift encampment had been set up, with crates, barrels, and salvaged materials arranged against the cave walls. The crew of the River Dancer approached cautiously, ready to investigate the scene and uncover any clues as to what had transpired.  

The Search for Surviors

Larissa led two tender boats to inspect the wreckage for survivors, accompanied by party and Benjamin Schmidt , the priest who could provide aid if needed. As they docked on the smoothed stone shore and began their inspection, they were suddenly assailed by the baleful moans and wails of the undead emerging from the wreckage, driven by their insatiable hunger for the living.   Reacting swiftly, Kimbatul Suolkiroth conjured a ball of fire and rained it down upon the wreckage, setting the ship ablaze in a towering inferno that consumed the undead within. However, their relief was short-lived as a monstrous creature emerged from the murky water, its large stalked eye and four smaller eyes fixating on the party. With its psychic abilities, the creature attempted to seize control of their minds, but the party's resilience proved too strong, resisting its mental influence.   Instead, the creature used the force of the water it commanded to pull several members of the party into its murky depths. Zildeen, in particular, felt a strange effect after being submerged, finding himself unable to breathe the air around him and compelled to seek solace in the stagnant water to regain his breath and composure. The party now faced a perilous threat from both above and below the water's surface, their survival hanging in the balance.   The battle intensified, and Thuldor Ironbreaker found himself struck down in the water, his life slipping away as he sank into a watery grave. However, Benjamin Schmidt , the priest, tapped into his divine gifts and brought Thuldor Ironbreaker back from the brink of death, leaving him with a debt to repay to the beast that had nearly claimed him. Climbing back onto the shore, Thuldor, fueled by a surge of divine power, raised his mighty warhammer and leaped off the stony bank with a newfound strength. It was as if Bahamut himself had granted him a taste of his power, for ethereal dragon wings seemed to sprout from Thuldor's back as he delivered a mighty blow to the creature, smiting it with divine force. With a deafening crash, the creature fell back into the dark waters from whence it came, its demise marked by pools of dark crimson blood rising to the surface.  
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Curious Finds

In the aftermath of the battle, Benjamin Schmidt swiftly moved to banish the malediction that had plagued Zildeen Zaratul , allowing him to once again breathe surface air. With a moment of peace settled upon them, Larissa instructed the troupe to inspect the contents of the crates and barrels against the cave wall. Among the items discovered were numerous contraband religious texts, books, artworks, and other forbidden items within the fascist domain of Falkovnia . However, it was the discovery of dozens of beautiful dresses, gowns, and garments that piqued their curiosity even further.   Among the clothing were strange masks resembling the face of a woman, delicately adorned with makeup. The craftsmanship was impeccable, almost lifelike, but on the back of each mask were two pronged hooks engraved with magical sigils and glyphs, hinting at their arcane nature. Through a quick identification spell, Kimbatul Suolkiroth was able to uncover the masks' magical effect: when worn, the hooks would extend and affix to the flesh of the wearer. The revelation brought a sickening feeling to Larissa and the party, leaving them to ponder the sinister purpose behind such simultaneously elegant and barbaric devices.