Chapter 2 - Your Reputation Proceeds You

"Heroes" Wanted

  As the party sat in Altoa's tavern, basking in the adulation of the villagers for their heroic deeds, they couldn't help but notice the enigmatic figure who watched them from the shadows. His eyes gleamed with a mixture of curiosity and calculation as he approached their table, offering them a proposition that piqued their interest.   Agreeing to meet him at the Vistani encampment, the party found themselves drawn into the world of Madam Ida and her Tarroka deck. The elderly Vistani 's weathered hands expertly shuffled the cards, her gaze penetrating as she laid them out before them, revealing glimpses of their destinies intertwined with the threads of fate. Each card held a story, a prophecy, and a warning. Madam Ida spoke of trials and tribulations to come, of allies and adversaries, and of the choices that would shape their path. The party listened intently, feeling the weight of destiny pressing upon their shoulders as they absorbed the cryptic messages conveyed by the Tarroka deck.   With their fortunes foretold and their resolve strengthened, the party embarked on their new quest, guided by the whispers of fate and the promise of riches that awaited them on the horizon. But little did they know, the journey ahead would test not only their skills as warriors but also the bonds of their fellowship as they navigated the intricate web of destiny woven by the hands of the Vistani   

A Land Besieged by the Dead.

    As the party ventured deeper into the mist-shrouded Domain of Falkovnia , the land seemed to groan with the weight of its own history, and the shadows whispered of long-forgotten horrors. Countless undead rose from the earth, their hollow eyes fixed upon the living with hunger and malice.  
  Arriving in the village of Morfenzi , they were greeted with wary eyes and whispered rumors. The air was thick with tension, and the presence of Falkovnian guards served as a constant reminder of the oppressive regime that ruled over the land.   Meeting with Dr. Vjorn Horstman , the Minister of Science, the party learned of the missing asset, Captain Gerrick Henninger , and the urgent need to locate him. Dr. Horstman's request carried an air of urgency, and the party knew that time was of the essence. Making their way to Hatzimvas Hospital , the party found themselves in a place of despair and decay. The once-grand institution now stood as a haunting reminder of Falkovnia's dark past.  

Hatzimvas Hospital

As the party descended into the labyrinthine depths of the overrun hospital, the stench of death hung heavy in the air, mingling with the acrid scent of fear and desperation. They found themselves surrounded by injured soldiers of the Red Talons, their faces etched with grim determination as they fought to hold back the tide of undead that threatened to overwhelm them.   Captain Gerrick Henninger stood at the forefront, his gaze steely as he recounted the events that had led to the hospital's downfall. Benjamin Schmidt , the head of the hospital, stood beside him, his expression grave as he relayed the extent of the chaos that had ensued.    

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