Chapter 13 - Northward Bound

Return to Silbervas

After collecting the lost merchandise aboard the "Silver Stingray," the party returned to Silbervas aboard the River Dancer to collect their reward. Upon arrival, the party made their way to the Heinrich Fishing Company and witnessed a small band of Red Talons awaiting outside of the establishment. Sensing the danger, Zenobia swiftly retreated into the crowd, ensuring her companions could handle the delicate situation without attracting unwanted attention.   As the party entered Heinrich's establishment, they beheld a fearful Manfred Heincrich speaking with a ranking Red Talon adorned with long, dark hair and ornate armor. Desperation tinged Heinrich's voice as he inquired about the fate of the "Silver Stingray." Larissa, taking charge of the situation, confirmed that while the vessel had been lost, the valuable contents aboard had been salvaged. A palpable sigh of relief escaped Heinrich as he practically groveled before the ranking soldier, expressing gratitude for her success in delivering the goods.   The once-angry soldier's demeanor softened slightly under veiled threats from Larissa Snowmane , hinting at the consequences should Manfred Heincrich fail to meet his obligations in the future. With a dismissive wave, the soldier departed, his small retinue following closely behind. Heinrich, now composed, turned his attention to Larissa Snowmane , expressing dissatisfaction with the time taken to complete the task. Larissa, however, swiftly countered, reminding Manfred Heincrich of the swift response to his urgent request. Realizing the error of his ways, Heinrich quickly regained his composure, expressing gratitude to Larissa Snowmane and agreeing to transport the party to their chosen destination without further delay.    

Falkovnian Crest 2.png

Falkovnian Crest 2.png


The Bargain

The party, now rejoined by Zenobia and Benjamin Schmidt , accepted Manfred's proposal to act as his personal bodyguards during his visit to Port-a-Lucine in Dementlieu . Although wary of Manfred's intentions, they saw this as an opportunity to ensure safe passage out of Falkovnia . Larissa Snowmane 's warning about Manfred's character only heightened their suspicions, and they agreed to keep a close eye on him during their journey.  
Quest: Captain Snowmane's Spies 
  As they prepared to depart, Larissa expressed her intention to follow them to Dementlieu , seeking information about Manfred's business dealings. The party agreed to assist her, recognizing the potential danger that Manfred posed not just to them but to others as well.


As the ship set sail upon the Vuchar River, the party couldn't shake off the feeling of unease regarding the mysterious cargo stored within the hull. Despite their curiosity, they decided to focus on ensuring a safe journey northward, knowing that confronting Manfred Heincrich or his thugs about the cargo could jeopardize their passage and possibly put them in danger.   Throughout the voyage, the party kept a watchful eye on the crew and the guards, looking for any signs of trouble or suspicious behavior. They also took the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the ship's layout and prepare themselves for any potential challenges they might face during the journey.   As the ship docked at the Delacourte Shipping docks in Port-a-Lucine , the party disembarked along with the rest of the crew. They watched as the cargo was unloaded and taken away, the heavily guarded crates drawing their attention once again. Despite their curiosity, they decided to heed Manfred's instructions and meet him at the docks upon sunset.   With the day ahead of them, the party took the opportunity to explore Port-a-Lucine , a bustling city known for its cosmopolitan atmosphere and vibrant culture. They wandered through the winding streets, marveling at the architecture and soaking in the sights and sounds of the city with Zildeen Zaratul as their guide.    

Exploring Port-a-Lucine

Exploring the Pearl of the Coast , Kimbatul Suolkiroth found a plethora of magical components and rare artifacts to purchase and sell. The shopkeeper, a mysterious figure with a penchant for theatrics, eagerly assisted Suol in his search, offering insights into the various items and their potential uses.   Meanwhile, Zildeen 's visit to his father's office yielded unexpected news of his father's absence. Concerned, Zildeen learned from Dean La Rue about his father's sabbatical and the enigmatic project he was working on. Despite the lack of details, Zildeen resolved to uncover the truth behind his father's mysterious endeavor.   As Suol and Zildeen left the University of Dementlieu , they discussed their findings and the potential implications. Excited about the prospect of further magical exploration, Suol eagerly accepted Dean La Rue 's invitation, looking forward to the opportunity to expand his arcane knowledge. Determined to uncover the mystery of his father's sudden absence, Zildeen invited the party to visit his childhood home at the Owl's Roost .