Chapter 14 - Festivus

A Family Affair

Unable to locate his father at the University of Dementlieu , Zildeen Zaratul deduced his childhood home would be the next logical step. They walked past the Port-a-Lucine Opera House to the West, approaching the Zaratul manor aptly named Owl's Roost on account of the numerous statues of those sage-like birds.   Still having the key, Zildeen Zaratul entered his old home into a grand foyer filled with art and exquisite furniture. They were soon greeted by Hildor , the servant of the estate. Overjoyed in the typical emotionless way Hildor usually expresses himself, he received you happily. That joy soon turned sullen upon asking HIldor of his parents' whereabouts.  
Owl's Roost.png

A Solemn Homecoming

As they ascended the grand staircase of the Owl's Roost , Zildeen Zaratul couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and apprehension. The memories of his childhood flooded back with each step, and he couldn't shake off the nagging worry about what they might find in his parents' chambers.   Hildor led them to a set of ornate double doors at the end of the hallway. With a solemn nod, he indicated that Zildeen should proceed inside. Taking a deep breath, Zildeen pushed open the doors and stepped into the room. The chamber was spacious, adorned with rich tapestries and elegant furniture. At the center of the room, a large four-poster bed dominated the space. Zildeen's heart sank as he saw his mother Aerilaya Zaratul lying there, her body withered and cold.   Zildeen listened with a heavy heart as his father recounted the harrowing tale of his mother's encounter with the cursed relic. The anguish in his father's voice, Erlathan Zaratul , was palpable as he spoke of his wife's suffering and his own desperate attempts to save her.   "I've tried everything," Erlathan admitted, his voice strained with emotion. "Every spell, every incantation, but nothing seems to break the hold of the enchantment. Her life force is fading, and I fear I am running out of time."    

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Last Stitch Effort

As Erlathan Zaratul stood before the hearth, the flickering flames casting dancing shadows across the room, he held the ceremonial chalice aloft. The party gathered around him, their faces set with determination as they prepared to embark on this perilous journey to save Zildeen's mother.   Erlathan's voice rang out, strong and clear, as he began to chant the ancient words of the ritual. The air crackled with magic as the room filled with an otherworldly glow, and Zildeen could feel the power of the spell coursing through him. With each word spoken, the party could sense the energy building, coalescing around them like a swirling vortex. Erlathan's eyes gleamed with intensity as he poured his magic into the ritual, channeling it through the chalice and into the very fabric of reality itself.   Finally, with a resounding crescendo, Erlathan completed the incantation, and the room seemed to tremble with the force of his magic. In a blinding flash of light, the party was enveloped in a whirlwind of energy, and Zildeen felt himself being pulled into the heart of the cursed relic.

The Land of Kah'ri

  As the party slowly regained consciousness, they found themselves lying upon a dirt trail surrounded by the vibrant hues of autumn leaves. The air was crisp and cool, tinged with the scent of wood smoke and earth.Blinking against the drowsiness that lingered from their journey through the cursed relic, the party took in their surroundings. Towering evergreen trees stretched towards the sky, their branches laden with fiery orange leaves that rustled softly in the breeze.
Beyond the forest, nestled in the valley below, they could see the flickering glow of street lamps and hearths as the villagers of the small settlement began their evening rituals. Smoke curled lazily into the air from chimneys, mingling with the scent of roasting food and the sound of laughter and music drifting on the wind. As they rose to their feet, the party exchanged curious glances, unsure of where they were or how they had arrived in this mysterious land. But one thing was certain—they had emerged from the cursed relic, and they were determined to make the most of their newfound surroundings.   Intrigued by the curious customs of the village, the party made their way through the cobblestone streets, their eyes drawn to the vibrant green reefs adorning nearly every household's entryway. The druidic hymns that echoed through the streets added to the mystical atmosphere, their haunting melodies weaving through the air like beginning of a winter storm.   As they wandered deeper into the heart of the village, the sound of laughter and music led them to a cozy tavern nestled among the buildings. The warm glow of lanterns spilled from its windows, inviting them inside with promises of hearty food and good company. A simple wooden sign depicting two white birds in flight - each carrying a pint of ale - and the words "Turtle Doves Tavern" escribed in the the grain.   With a shared glance and a smile, the party eagerly stepped through the tavern's door, the scent of ale and roasted meats washing over them as they entered. The interior was alive with activity, with patrons gathered around wooden tables, sharing stories and raising their tankards in toast.  

Two Turtle Doves

At one table, a tavern-goer was engaged in a spirited exchange with another patron, each taking turns in vivid and explicit detail of every way they vexed each other. The insults flew back and forth with razor-sharp wit, each participant seemingly unfazed by the barbs thrown their way.   Thuldor Ironbreaker and Gungus exchanged amused glances before turning their attention back to the bartender, a fetchedly hansome man with a wink in his eye and gleam in his smile. The barkeep introduced hims as Harry Crosby, but remarked his friends know him as "Bing." With eyebrows raised, the party's inquired about anyone who may have seen a dark elven woman passing through the villiage. Bing acknowledged he'd seen a gal who matched the descption and that she had set out North towards the "Dark Forest."   While the party engaged in conversation with the amiable barkeep, a village elder named Father Franco burst into the tavern on a gust of chilled air. He berated those who hadn't contributed enough to appease the legendary "Angel," a figure revered in the folklore of the villagers for saving them from a dire fate.  
  Father Franco then issued a challenge of strength to anyone in the tavern who deemed themselves worthy. Responding with a resounding cry, Thuldor Ironbreaker stepped forward. Father Franco, surprised yet pleased, whispered to the dwarven challenger to "fight the father." The "feat of strength" commenced, and despite a brief moment of resistance, Thuldor emerged victorious over the priest. His triumph earned him the title of "Champion of Festivus," much to the delight of the gathered crowd.   Following his victory, Thuldor was honored with a ceremonial metal staff, its enchantments woven from the mystical energies of a distant land. Disheartened by his defeat, Father Franco departed the tavern, leaving the patrons to revel in their festivities.   Intrigued by the mention of the "Angel," the party was introduced to another village elder. Known affectionately as Grandmother Garland, Judith shared the tale of Festivus with them, weaving a narrative that revealed the significance of the enigmatic figure and the role it played in the village's history.  

Up On the Rooftop

Zildeen and Suol woke to the sounds of breakfast being prepared below, finding themselves still unsettled by the haunting visions from the night before. The memory of the frightening little girl staring into the empty hearth lingered in their minds, sending shivers down their spines.   As they descended the stairs to join the other party members for breakfast, they exchanged uneasy glances, silently acknowledging the shared experience of the night. The atmosphere in the tavern seemed different now, with the events of the previous night casting a shadow over the morning light.   They sat down at the table, trying to shake off the lingering unease as they greeted their companions. But the memory of the eerie encounter with the little girl weighed heavily on their minds, leaving them wary and on edge.     With their decision made, the party prepared themselves mentally and physically for the journey ahead. They gathered their supplies, checked their weapons, and steeled themselves for whatever trials awaited them in the Magical Woods.
  As the party discussed their options with Bing, the wise and cautious barkeep, they weighed the risks and benefits of each path. The open plains offered harsh weather conditions, the mountains posed the danger of avalanches, and the Magical Woods were rumored to be fraught with unpredictable magic and dark entities.   Despite Bing's reservations, the party decided to take their chances with the Magical Woods. Zildeen's determination to find his mother outweighed the warnings of potential danger. Suol and the rest of the party trusted in Zildeen's instincts and believed that they could handle whatever challenges awaited them in the enchanted forest.

Dashing Through the Snow

The party continued through the snow-covered pines, encountering the strange orange mist, which seemed to have a magical effect on those who passed through it. To their surprise, Gungus and Zenobia found themselves transformed into reindeer upon exposure to the mist.   With the knowledge of other enchantments that could alter one's form, Kimbatul Suolkiroth proposed a risky plan to break the enchantment by ending the lives of their friends before resurrecting them with magic. Gungus, always ready for adventure and willing to trust in Suol's plan, agreed to the strategy without hesitation. However, Zenobia was understandably hesitant and reluctant to go along with Suol's assumption. She expressed her concern by fleeing into the forest.   After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, the enchantment finally began to fade, and Gungus and Zenobia reverted to their original selves. Relieved that their friends were no longer trapped in the form of reindeer, the party continued on their journey.

With Your Nose So Bright...

Through the darkness of the enchanted woods, the party noticed a peculiar glow cutting through the thick fog. Drawing nearer, they were astonished to find that the luminous source was a reindeer. The creature, seemingly docile, approached them with curiosity.   One of the party members extended a hand to pet the gentle beast, but their peaceful encounter was abruptly shattered by a deafening roar of thunder. In an instant, the reindeer's head exploded into a gruesome spray of gore and sinew, leaving the party stunned and horrified.  
As they recovered from the shock, their gaze shifted to a figure in the distance, clutching a device responsible for the violent act. The realization dawned on them that they were not alone in these treacherous woods, and a new threat loomed ahead. Cautiously, they approached the figure, their weapons at the ready and their senses on high alert. As they drew nearer, they could make out more details of the stranger's appearance - a cloaked figure with an air of darkness and mystery surrounding them. Without warning, the figure spoke, their voice low and menacing. They warned the party to turn back and leave the woods if they valued their lives, revealing themselves to be the enigmatic Nikoli the Red.

Jolly Saint Nikoli

Nikoli the Red efficiently gathered the spoils of his hunt, effortlessly hoisting the felled reindeer with a single powerful motion. Despite the warning he had given them, the party chose to accept his offer of assistance, realizing they could benefit from his knowledge of the woods. With Nikoli leading the way, they followed him through the darkness until they arrived at a small stone cottage nestled in the heart of the forest – his home.    

    Once inside, Nikoli wasted no time in attending to his task, dressing the kill with practiced hands before discarding the entrails into the surrounding woods. With the immediate chore completed, he invited the party into his humble abode.   Inside the cottage, the furnishings were simple yet of remarkable quality. A solitary bed occupied one corner, while a sturdy workbench was cluttered with an assortment of gears, tools, and intricate mechanisms. However, it was the sight of a pitcher of milk and a plate of cookies resting on a modest dining table set for only one person that caught Gungus 's inquisitive gaze.   As the party conversed with Nikoli, they shared the details of their journey to the mysterious land of Kha'ri and their quest to rescue Zildeen's mother. Zildeen and Suol recounted the haunting vision they had experienced during the night, describing the unsettling encounter with the little girl by the empty hearth. To the party's surprise, Nikoli's demeanor shifted noticeably at the mention of the little girl, his emotions stirred by the tale. Without explanation, he excused himself from the cottage and stepped outside, leaving the party to wonder about the source of his reaction.   Curious about their new ally's sudden departure, Zildeen Zaratul ventured outside to check on Nikoli Klaus , leaving Gungus alone in the cottage. Seizing the opportunity, Gungus decided to investigate the contents of the pitcher left on the dining table. To his delight, he discovered that the pitcher was enchanted, providing a never-ending supply of fresh milk. Gungus wasted no time in indulging in the creamy beverage, relishing the unexpected discovery.

The Ghost of Festivus Past

  Meanwhile, Zildeen Zaratul approached their enigmatic companion, who stood gazing out over a cleared patch of forest where only the charred remnants of a once grand structure remained, surrounded by overgrown vegetation that whispered of a tragic history. Nikoli's gaze seemed distant, lost in memories. As they exchanged words, Nikoli recounted a tale of a young girl he had befriended many years prior, upon his arrival in Kah'Ri. She, like Nikoli, was an orphan, and their shared loneliness forged an instant connection between them. Using the expertse he learned from his fey upbrining, Nikoli Klaus would carve toys from wood and dolls from corn husks for Mari and the other children. Over the passing years, Nikoli would return to her side, witnessing her beauty blossoming with time. Yet, beneath her outward grace, lurked something darker—a hunger for power that troubled Nikoli deeply.   The girl, Mari, wielded a dangerous charisma that captivated the simple-minded villagers, drawing them into her fold to form a devoted congregation. Armed with the stories and knowledge she had gleaned from Nikoli, Mari twisted the very essence of the fey that dwelled in the northern forests, exploiting the existing fears and superstitions of the ignorant masses. Under Mari's guidance, her cult flourished, spreading like wildfire as a devastating plague swept through the village, bringing death and famine in its wake. Livestock perished in droves, and the once lush crops withered in the fields. In the face of such calamity, it took little persuasion for the villagers to attribute their misfortunes to the unknown forces Mari spoke of. Fearing the wrath of these unseen entities, many among them fell into line, succumbing to the zealous fervor of Mari's followers.  

Slay Bells Ringing

As Mari led her cult into a brutal war against the Northern Woods, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake, they encountered fierce resistance from the fey inhabitants. In a bid to protect their homeland, the fey tapped into their innate affinity for tinkering and mechanics, crafting formidable wooden constructs to defend against the onslaught.   As the forces of Mari broke through the defenses of the fey, relentless in their pursuit of destruction, they left a path of devastation in their wake. Homes and workshops were engulfed in flames, reduced to ash beneath the blanket of snow, while the inhabitants suffered the same fate. With the fey's resistance shattered and their sanctuary desecrated, Mari seized her opportunity to claim ultimate power. High atop the snow-capped mountains, she sought out the enchanted star, hidden within the sacred tree. With grim determination, she plucked the star from its ancient resting place. But as Mari grasped the radiant artifact, a tremor echoed through the earth, a primal stirring that shook the very foundations of the land. Deep within the bowels of the earth, something ancient and long-forgotten began to awaken, its slumber disturbed by the presence of the radiant star.

Wish Upon a Star

The horrors of war weighed heavily on Nikoli's soul, the loss and destruction too much for him to bear. Desperate for an end to the bloodshed, he sought solace in the depths of the forest, where a dark entity answered his call.   Offering Nikoli Klaus a single wish, the entity promised to grant him respite from the wickedness that plagued the world. In his anguish, Nikoli wished for "no more children to grow up with wickedness in their hearts." However, he failed to realize the true nature of the being he had invoked.   From the shadows emerged the Dark One, a monstrous creature with fur, horns, and fangs, hungry for souls untouched by wickedness. In granting Nikoli's wish, the Dark One unleashed a sinister curse upon the land, ensuring that any child born henceforth would never have the chance to grow up with wickedness in their heart—because they would be devoured by the insatiable appetite of the Dark One before they could mature. It was a cruel twist of fate, one that Nikoli would forever rue, as he witnessed the consequences of his poorly worded wish unfold before his eyes.  

Silent Night

As the first night fell upon the village, dread hung heavy in the air, for nearly half of all the children had vanished without a trace, taken into the woods by the Dark One to meet an unspeakable fate. Nikoli, overwhelmed by guilt and regret for unwittingly unleashing such horror upon the innocent, vowed to do whatever he could to protect the remaining children.   Harnessing his knowledge of woodland magic, Nikoli crafted wreaths of holly and pine, imbued with protective charms to ward off the malevolent spirit of the Dark One and shield the children within. Yet, despite his efforts, the evil entity proved cunning, luring the unsuspecting children from their beds with whispered promises and seductive illusions.   As fear and despair gripped the village, their once-revered leader, Mari, found herself losing her hold on power. In a desperate bid to regain control, she spun a twisted narrative, painting the Dark One as the final curse of the fey, cast down upon the villagers in a bid to preserve their own supremacy.   With Mari's persuasive words ringing in their ears, the townspeople found themselves torn between hope and desperation. Believing that salvation lay within the depths of the northern mountains, where the sacred tree stood, Mari implored them to follow her once more. Promising to lift the curse that plagued their land, she beckoned them to join her on a perilous journey into the heart of darkness, where the fate of the village would be decided once and for all.

Unholy Night

Unbeknownst to the villagers, Mari was inexorably drawn to the malevolent presence of the Dark One. It recognized in her a darkness akin to its own and saw her as a vessel through which it could manifest its twisted desires. With unholy communion, the Dark One imparted upon Mari the knowledge of dark magics, teaching her to manipulate and twist the souls of her followers to serve its nefarious purposes.   Driven by her connection to the Dark One, Mari led her devoted followers on a one-way pilgrimage to the sacred tree atop the northern mountains. Beneath its gnarled branches, amidst the swirling mists that hungered for the arrival of their new Dark Lord, Mari orchestrated a macabre ritual.   Her most devout followers, enthralled by her charismatic allure and corrupted by the dark magics she wielded, began to hang the congregation from the branches of the sacred tree like grotesque talismans in an unholy sacrifice. The air grew thick with the stench of blood and the echoes of anguished screams, as the ritual descended into madness.   But before Mari could complete the final incantation, before the cursed star could be used to seal their fate, Nikoli emerged from the shadows, his resolve steeled by the weight of his past mistakes. With a swift stroke, he struck Mari down, breaking the dark enchantments that bound her and disrupting the unholy ritual.   In that moment of chaos and desperation, the Mists, hungry and insatiable, surged forth, swallowing Mari and her followers whole. The echoes of their screams faded into the eerie silence of the forest, as darkness reclaimed its own, leaving Nikoli standing amidst the twisted remnants of their shattered dreams.

Over the Fields, We Go

As Nikoli returned from the haunting memories that threatened to engulf him, Zildeen offered comforting words, his concern evident in his eyes. Despite his visible shaken state, Nikoli swiftly cast aside his melancholy, his determination resurfacing with renewed vigor. With a resolute gaze, he pledged to aid the party in their quest to find their destination and rescue Zildeen's mother. Though unwilling to confront Mari once more himself, Nikoli provided his newfound companions with supplies and precise directions to the summit of the mountains where their fate awaited.   Braving the treacherous blizzard, the party pressed forward until they finally reached their destination. Before them stood an enormous evergreen tree adorned with brilliant lights, its majestic presence awe-inspiring against the backdrop of the snow-covered landscape. At the base of the tree, they beheld Father Franco, the priest of Kah'ri whom they had encountered in the tavern, kneeling in fervent worship.   Hovering above him, surrounded by an array of wooden constructs under her control, was the haunting spirit of Mari, transformed into an undead wraith of ethereal beauty. Her long, spectral hair danced in the frigid wind as she sang a seductive melody that sent shivers down their spines, filling their hearts with immeasurable dread.    


Laughing All the Way

  Zildeen's gaze fixed upon the silhouette of his mother who was trapped within the star high atop the towering tree, he felt a surge of desperation grip his heart. She appeared frail and barely clinging to life, her essence being hastily drained by the malevolent power of the star.   In that critical moment, Nikoli, emboldened by a newfound resolve, emerged from the shadows to confront the spirit of his lost friend. With heartfelt pleas, he begged Mari to cease her madness, appealing to a better nature that he knew deep down did not exist within her. But Mari merely laughed, her smile twisted with dark intent, as she cryptically declared, "All I want... is you."   Suddenly, Father Franco's form contorted and shifted, transforming into a towering wererat, his once benevolent visage twisted by the curse that now consumed him. The wooden constructs, adorned in red military garb, surged forward, launching a vicious assault upon the party.   Using the dark power of the star, Mari lifted Nikoli into the air, ensnaring him in a trance as she began to enact a ritual that had been set into motion long ago. A fierce battle erupted, the heroes clashing with the wooden constructs and battling the ravenous wererat, their determination unyielding in the face of overwhelming odds.   Yet, just as victory seemed within their grasp, Mari turned her malevolent gaze upon the party. With a sinister command, the great tree at the heart of the battleground twisted and changed, sprouting hideous slit eyes and gnarled branches that twisted into the form of razor-sharp teeth. The tree had come alive, infused with dark power, and now commanded the chilled elements of the forest to do its bidding. In the face of this monstrous adversary, the heroes knew that their greatest challenge was yet to come.   Furthermore, Mari descended upon the gathering, trailed by her famished minions, the will-o-wisps summoned from the ancient tree. Her voice, filled with a dreadful wail, pierced the souls of all present, swiftly claiming several lives, among them Father Franco, as unintended casualties. Victims of this unearthly power were forcibly expelled from the demiplane, returning to their physical bodies. As the battle teetered on the brink of defeat, Thuldor invoked the might of Bahamut once more, unleashing a decisive blow of radiant energy that shattered the banshee's form.

The Stars Are Brightly Shinning

Upon Mari's demise, the formidable power she wielded over the constructs and the ancient tree shattered, freeing Nikoli and Zildeen's mother, Aerilaya Zaratul from her clutches. The radiant star that bound Aerilaya Zaratul shattered into countless pieces, one lone fragment resting in the snow. Both Thuldor Ironbreaker and Aerilaya Zaratul stood at the threshold of death, while Nikoli Klaus , drained from the ordeal, could barely stand. Retrieving the fragment, Nikoli Klaus entrusted it to Thuldor Ironbreaker , cautioning him about the perilous nature of an ill-considered wish contained within. As Thuldor Ironbreaker absorbed Nikoli's warning, a horrifying transformation overtook him, his visage contorting as horns sprouted from his brow and malevolent eyes replaced his own. The true curse of his wish was laid bare: Nikoli Klaus WAS the Dark One, trapped in a tormenting duality. Nikoli Klaus implored them to flee, a plea they heeded without hesitation. Thuldor Ironbreaker rang thke silver bell bestowed by Zildeen's father, Erlathan Zaratul , its mystical chime shattering the enchantment that ensnared them within the demiplane of Kah'ri.   Despite her weakened state from the harrowing experience, Aerilaya's heart swelled with pride for the hero Zildeen Zaratul had proven to be. Erlathan Zaratul , too, expressed his eternal gratitude towards the Heroes of the Tide, forever extending an open invitation into his heart and home for the heroes who saved his family.

Articles under Chapter 14 - Festivus