Chapter 4 - His Name is Robert Paulson

Death is Only the Beginning

As the party found themselves overwhelmed by the relentless assault of undead hounds and crawling limbs, their friend Robert Paulson fell to the ferocious horde, his flesh torn asunder by the ravenous creatures. In the midst of this chaos, the mysterious entity that had engulfed Kimbatul Suolkiroth , the dragonborn, whispered secret words of power into his ear.   In a desperate bid to save both himself and his companions, Suol summoned forth a spell fueled by the unknown power bestowed upon him by the entity. With a surge of energy, the egg containing Thuldir rose into the air, radiating with a power that tore through the surrounding corpses, scattering them to the winds.   In the aftermath of the destruction, a voice called out to Robert from the darkness, offering him a chance for absolution and divine purpose. With a sense of determination and resolve, Robert rose from the ground, transformed not as he was, but as something else entirely.   His once-human form now imbued with the power of the unknown entity, Robert stood tall amidst the carnage, his eyes ablaze with newfound purpose. Though the circumstances of his transformation remained shrouded in mystery, it was clear that he had been reborn as something beyond mortal comprehension.  
  As the party gathered themselves, still reeling from the onslaught they had just endured, they couldn't help but feel a mixture of awe and trepidation at the sight of their friend's transformation. But with the threat of the undead still looming on the horizon, they knew that they would need to stand together if they were to survive the trials that lay ahead.

Unwanted Backup

As the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the Hatzimvas Hospital , Robert Paulson swiftly obscured his visage, concealing his newfound form from the prying eyes of the approaching Falkovnian elite soldiers, the Red Talons. These formidable warriors had finally arrived, seeking to gather what supplies they could before the impending New Moon released an army of the dead upon the land.   Amidst the chaos of the siege and the capture of Yennifer, the rebel who had plotted against Dr. Horstman's research facility, the party found themselves conscripted into the upcoming war effort. With no time to spare, Zildeen Zaratul seized the opportunity to destroy the research notes deemed too dangerous to fall into Dr. Horstman's hands, ensuring that the knowledge contained within would never again threaten the realm.   With their mission accomplished, the party set their sights on Lekar , the capital city of Falkovnia , where they hoped to find refuge from the encroaching darkness and perhaps uncover the secrets that lay hidden within its walls.

Death From Above

As the siege of the dead pressed upon the fortress gates, the party and the Falkovnian army fought valiantly, raining down death upon the approaching horde with arrows, spells, and blades. Robert, now transformed into something beyond mortal comprehension, descended past the protection of the gates, his newfound power radiating with an otherworldly aura.   With each swing of his blade, Robert Paulson cut through droves of zombies with a ferocity that bordered on madness, his eyes ablaze with a primal hunger for battle. Wave after wave of undead crashed against the walls, only to be met with a relentless onslaught from the party and their transformed comrade.   But amidst the chaos and carnage, a sense of unease began to settle over the party as they witnessed the extent of Robert's transformation. His once-noble demeanor had been replaced by a savage bloodlust, and it was clear that the entity that had granted him his newfound power had left its mark upon his soul.