Seelie Court

Ruled by Queen Maeve , the Seelie Court is the more benign of the Two Courts that rule the Arak (the other Court being the Unseelie Court ruled by Prince Loht ). Each of the Two Courts rules Arak society in the Shadow Rift six months during each of their years (their year only a fortnight outside of the Shadow Rift due to temporal fugue). The Malachite Palace serves as the seat of authority for whichever faction is currently in power. (Queen Maeve and Prince Loht will rule together during the couple of days between each regime rotation). In the months she is not ruling from the Malachite Palace, Queen Maeve holds her court either in her palace in Esmerth or moves it around the Greenlands.   To her Seelie followers, Queen Maeve is like a highly beloved, idolized, and venerated celebrity, where all power and favor issues forth from her decree. Therefore, despite the highly structure etiquette protocols of the Seelie Court, the balance of power between individual parties or groups remains ever fluid. Most of the Seelie fey in the Court contend constantly for her favor, and the Court sometimes holds great festivities and contests of skill to win said favor.  
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  • Type
    Geopolitical, Co-rulership
    Controlled Territories
    Related Species