
The Alven (also known variously as the butterfly folk, carrot-tops, or fire flits) are one of the nine major Arak races. These tiny, good-natured fey serve as the caretakers of plants, taking on roles like farmers and gardeners. Their skill in these endeavors are generally masterful. So great is the alven affinity for plants that the fey can gain assistance on navigation from plants as if the find the path spell had been cast.  
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    Alven are normally benign and peaceful creatures, but their wrath can be provoked if the foolish or unaware pick their flowers without asking or harm their plants. Once provoked to hostilities, the alven attack en masse, employing magic before physical violence. They are able to employ a number of plant-related magic. In melee, they wield tiny thorn rapiers as they swarm their foes4. However, their most formidable ability may be the wing dance, a special ability whereupon the alven fly about in erratic manners. This spell-like ability firsts enthralls foes and inflicts blindness and deafness upon them.   Alven demonstrate a physical resiliency against weapons, save for those made of cold iron or of sufficient magical strength to harm them. They also enjoy total invulnerability to electricity and to weapons made of stone. However, alven possess the universal shadow fey vulnerability to sunlight.
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