The Revolution

  Relationship Chart of The Revolution:
  • Blue - Represents the Inner and Outer Cycles
  • Green - friendship or general admiration
  • Red - dislike or general distaste
  Introduction: The Revolution is a pantheon of newer origin founded within the inner continent of Ecil. While its exact origin is unknown, many believe it to have been founded by the dwellers of the Verowian oases. The pantheon consists of six gods: Astus, Bakal, and Ammeh of the Outer Cycle, as well as Haurun, Cula, and Ukhan of the Inner Cycle.   The Outer Cycle represents the path of humanity. From their creation by the hands of Astus, they walk from their birth to the inevitable death, handed over to the god of entropy, Bakal. Bakal nurtures these souls, caring for them from the moment of their conception to the end of days, nurturing and maturing their souls for the harvester, Ammeh. At death, Bakal sends these souls to their ultimate destiny: joining the mass of souls who died alongside themselves to be reshaped once more. Ammeh consumes the souls of its worshippers, suppressing their emotions and very beings into an essence that can again be reshaped by Astus.   The Inner Cycle represents the internal conflicts of those caught within the cycle. An eternal war rages between the gods of fate and freedom, stoicism and emotion, Cula and Ukhan, overseen by their protector, Haurun. As man walks from their creation to their demise, some find themselves overcast with dread. Whether they choose to observe the inner war from the sides or fight, they find themselves instead within the Inner Cycle.   Worshippers: Those who believe in either cycle of The Revolution willingly submit themselves to it. As such, this pantheon has not reached immense popularity throughout the greater continent, its reach typically limited to where it was originally founded in the inner continent as well as major religious sites, such as Lancaster. Despite the contemporarily bleak outlook that lacks a greater plane to ascend to upon death, most of those who believe in the twin cycles possess a strong will of calmness towards their ends. To their worshippers, their end is merely a new beginning for others.   Deities and their Dominions:
  • Astus (NG) - God of creation, rebirth, alchemy.
  • Bakal (N) - God of entropy, the end, contentedness.
  • Ammeh (NE) - God of sin, devourer of souls.
  • Haurun (LG) - Goddess of protection, integrity, perseverence.
  • Cula (LN) - Goddess of Fate, the path, stoicism.
  • Ukhan (CN) - God of Freedom, mold-breaking, emotion.
The Revolution
Good Deities:
  • Haurun (LG)
  • Astus (NG)
Neutral Deities:
  • Cula (LN)
  • Bakal (N)
  • Ukhan (CN)
Evil Deities: