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Alushoyaraun is the name typically used in reference to a small sea elf kingdom located in the western areas of the Kurnnoth Sea.


Each community or collection of elves acts almost entirely independent from the kingdom itself. Only during times of great strife does the kingdom assume control as a means of the entire groups continuation and survival.


The sea elves of Alushorayaun owe their existence to the sea stacks that they call home. Much of their culure revolves around properly caring for the sea stacks they inhabit, and working to ensure their existence does not cause harm to any of these stacks.


Much of the wealth and equipment held by the Alushorayaun come from sunken vessels. Many of communities have sizable currency collections collected from countless sunken ships over the years. This comes with extensive stores of weaponry and soldiers to boot (over 10,000 strong). Most soldiers fight using tridents, though some will alter surface weapons to be more effective while below the surface. 

  Throughout the Thesekari Stacks, these sea elf communities have built multiple outposts on the smaller islands that dot the watery landscape.


The collective of Alushorayaun was formed from disparate groups of sea elves dotted all among the Western Isles, the only area where they can be found besides Tila'thyu. They had initially fled the Elemental Plane of Water, living underneath the royals who had guided them there, though this relationship became strenuous as many sea elves sought to emigrate to the uninhabited waters throughout the western isles.

This existence in small collectives left the sea elves of the west prone to attacks from denizens of the deep who wished to cause them harm, a problem particularly common throughout much of the western isles. Rising from these small communities was Kemerathil Alushta'loth, an experienced sea-elf scholar who traveled much of the oceans, as well as the surface lands. Her proposition was to act in accordance with their long-lost brethren of Tila'thyu.

This would see the elves living under a royal family once again, but not in a traditional capacity. Instead they would only be required to act as a unified force during periods of great turmoil. Not every elven community joined however, and since then many of them have been lost to the ocean or its inhabitants. Since then, the Alushorayaun has been a bulwark of the Kurnnoth Sea, effectively safeguarding it from hostiles.

Demography and Population

Virtually the entire population of the Alushorayaun are sea elves, with non-aquatic humanoids making up single figures among the entire kingdom. Besides sea elves, small groups of triton and half elves are also present.  
  • Sea elf - 95%
  • Half elf - 3%
  • Triton - 1%
  • Other - <1%


Thesekari Stacks

The Thesekari Stacks are an ancestral home of sea elves, being the first place that the sea elves living on the Elemental Plane of Water crossed over onto the material plane. While most material plane sea elves moved away from this location, they have since returned after the Alushorayaun was founded.


There are no restrictions on religious practice, though any worship of gods aligned against the Seldarine is met with suspicion and sometimes violence.

The most commonly worshiped gods are those of the aquatic species, with Deep Sashelas of the Seldarine being the most common of these. Others commonly invoked include Aerdrie Faenya and Solonor Thelandira.

"Safety found in the sea"

Founding Date
Alliance, Generic
Alternative Names
Aquan Diaspora
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
The proper currency of the Alushorayaun are large sea shells with flecks of gold, though are more than willing to accept the normal coins of outsiders, though their value is reduced.
Official State Religion
Related Ethnicities

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