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Thesekari Stacks

Throughout the western areas of the Kurnnoth Sea lies a large collection of limestone sea stacks dotted through the ocean. Collectively they are known as the Thesekari Stacks. Each sea stack has virtually no areas safe disembark onto the stacks themselves, though intrepid mountaineers have shown they aptitude, and attempted to scale the sheer faces that are so often rocked by waves. The area is considered of great religious importance to the deities Talos and Umberlee, with Umberlees only long-lasting temple, Mothers Fury, being found on one of the sea stacks.   No one officially claims the Thesekari owing to their remoteness, though the Alushorayaun, a collection of loose sea-elf communities have used them as a basis for their settlements.


Each sea stacks ranges in size, with some appearing to be little more than a simple collection of rocks, while some appear to tower endlessly high into the sky, miles high in a few instances. In general, each sea stack is roughly 100 - 500 foot high.     Stacks can be both coarse and smooth in regards to their rock, with those smoother ones being more numerous the further out one travels towards the northwest, away from the more inner areas of the Kurnnoth.


Owing to their nature as essentially high cliff-faces in the middle of the ocean, a whole range of animals and creatures capable of flight will call this area home from time to time. The most common visitors are griffons, sea birds and hippogriffs. Hippogriffs remain the only sizable animal to nest on the stacks year round.   Very rarely will a group of harpies flock to the stacks, though the rare instances that it has occurred has brought only suffering for the sailors moving through the region.

Ecosystem Cycles

Migrations Towards the end of the summer, enormous schools of sardines must move through the area to lay their eggs at the mouths of the rivers pouring down from the Orikste Mountains. This in turn leads to a wide range of predators gathering in the area to feast on these fish, with the relative safety of the stacks being an easy place to land and rest. Along with that, a whole range of oceanic predators pass through, with sharks, dolphins and seals being common sights in this period.   Procreation Sea birds flock in enormous numbers to the stacks about mid-way through the summer, nesting on top of the stacks to give birth to their next cycle of young. When hippogriffs undergo their procreation cycle, griffons flock to the stacks to continue their as well. These griffons will then attempt to hunt down the newborn hippogriffs to feed their young.
Alternative Name(s)
Kurnnoths Belt, Skortenias Edge
Location under
Included Organizations
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