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Averi Guard

The Averi Guard act as the police force for the wider city of Averum. In its overseas holdings, the Averum Republic uses the Republican Expeditionary Force in a similar, though less official capacity.


The Averi Guard was organised into three groups with the Master of the Watch being a centralised commander under which all members fall.
  1. Arcane Watch - Magic wielding members of the Guard. Most of their skills are used to find magic items, learning the truth of statements and non-lethal takedowns, though they possess just as much capability to outright kill criminals. Led by the current High Mage Watchman, the male tiefling Vapula Arothos.
  2. Guard Investigative Division - Wing of the Averi Guard performing most in-depth investigations, as well as employing all lawyers who work for the city. They tend to participate in patrols far less than the other divisions, instead looking into crime reports and following leads. Their presence on patrols only happens when it co-incides with investigations. They are the smallest division of the Guard. Led by the current Investigative Watchaster, the male dwarf Humrulim Flinthead.
  3. Primary Averum Guard - Largest division of the Averi Guard, being made up of the guardsmen of the cities wards. They tend to provide general peacekeeping services and assistance to the citiizens of Averum. In addition, the Primary Guards leader, the Senior Armsmaster is in charge of the Averi Guards armor, supplies and weaponry. The current leader is the female Damraz human, Natalia Modrak.


The Guard has seven ranks, with the guardsmen/women being the lowest and the highest being the Master of the Guard.
  1. Master of the Watch - The Master of the Watch, or sometimes 'Watchmaster' or 'Guardmaster' is the leader of the entire Averi Guard. The Master tends to delegate certain duties to their Majors or Captains in each ward. Most tasks performed by the Master pertains to large-scale crimes and funding within wards.
  2. Senior Masters - The three divisions of the Guard are led by a Senior Master. The Senior Masters are considered to be of equal rank. Duties vary depending on each Senior Master. The High Mage Watchmen acts with some independence from the high command, the Investigative Watchmaster acts on complicated or large crimes and often acts on the direction of the Master of the Watch and the Senior Armsmaster reports directly to the Guardmaster on their actions.
  3. Ward commander - Ward commanders, or galtuches are the heads of the Guard inside any given ward. One exists for each ward in the city and each commander is appointed directly by the Guardmaster. Commanders report to the Senior Masters twice a tenday, unless matters are particularly pressing. Ward commanders oversaw the senior civilar stationed in each Averi Guardhouse of the ward.
  4. Senior citar - Senior citars are commonly appointed as the heads of a singular guardhouse in the city, often called citenars. They act as commanders for the guardhouse, while sometimes working as envoys to important visitors or prisoner escorts. As such, those senior citars that do not lead a guardhouse tend to work near the docks, or at the few land gates into the city.
  5. Citar - Any guardhouse will have numerous citars, each patrol being headed by a singular citar, reporting to the senior citar of their guardhouse. Citars are also common around the city gates, where a small group of them will sit under the command of a Senior citar.
  6. Armar - Armars are the second lowest rank in the Guard. Notably, only guardsmen of an armar rank or higher are elligble to be part of the Guard Investigative Division.
  7. Constable - Constables are the entry rank of the Guard. Most constables are part of the Primary Averum Guard. While the Arcane Watch also has many constables, their skills are often contained to magic item location and less on the prevention of crimes or apprehension of criminals.

Patrols and Tactics

The Guard employed patrols of normally four or five guard members. All patrols required are required to have a member of the Arcane Watch present, who is tasked with checking people for magic items. A citar leads the patrol, while normally one armar and a pair of constables would accompany them. The divisional makeup is normally one from the Arcane Watch and three of the Primary Guard. Members of the Investigative Division are less common, making up numbers if needed or tagging along to bring the number to five when it is necessary.   Traffic wardens are commonly used throughout the city during periods of high activity and are always employed on the docks, where they work alongside the Averi Navy. Wardens carry a pair of flags used for traffic signaling; red to signal traffic to stop and blue to signal traffic to proceed.


The Averi Guard had no representative symbols, though used a colour pattern similar to that used by the Averum Republic - cobalt blue and canary yellow . When required, members would wear badges with the Republics symbol emblazoned upon it. Each member of the Guard wears a symbol identifying their rank.

Public Agenda

The Averi Guard is a peacekeeping force, dedicated to curbing crime and violent acts in the city of Averum. They never act outside the city of Averum. In addition, they also seek to help and aid the populace of the city. While each division of the Guard tends towards different duties, they all investigate, solve and prevent crimes. Traffic wardens are also used to control traffic flow during periods of high activity. Wardens are also used on the docks in conjunction with the Averi Navy to monitor incoming ships.


The uniform of the guard consists of a chain shirt, navy blue and canary yellow overcoat and kettle helmet. Equipment varies, but most members carry a targe shield, studded club, light cossbow and a small dagger. Members of the Arcane Watch tend to wear less armor and carry fewer items, though most would carry wands of magic detection to allow easy discovery of magic during their patrols.    Around 50,000 men and women are part of the Averi Guard, each with a significant level of training and knowledge of laws in Averum.


The Averi Guard was founded in -458 AS and acted more as a militia force than anything else until the year 8 DC. While Averum had grown significantly since its founding in the late -800s AS, criminal activity was less of a concern, and a small militia force was able to curb crime effectively enough that no formal policing force was really necessary.   After the gambiling ban in 8 DC, the Guard became much more active but failed to have a significant impact on its spread. Crime remained a constant problem, something that the small militia force of an Averum increasing in importance could not handle effectively. In the years preceding the Mortalbound period, startin in 349 DC, the Guard underwent a huge transformation, becoming professional and was brought under the oversight of the then-town Averum itself. With that, the Guard was officially a part of the local government.   The current three-division form that the guard has was made after the events of the Decline, as the further rapid increase in population required a more effective means of working amongst the populace. The Arcane Guard is the youngest, having only been introduced by the Pouchlords after magic items flooded the city during the Mindlickers Fray in 1008.

Keeping Averum open and safe.

Founding Date
-452 DC
Government, Law Enforcement
Alternative Names
Guardsmen, Blue and Yellows
Averi Guardsmen
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations

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