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Balmastaq is a city in the Empire of Al'Quadash, in North Kasetia along the Samid River. Balmastaq is de facto capital of the province of Bathrania center of power for the region. The city is known across the north of Kasetia for its blend of brick and sandstone construction.


Under rule of the Empire of Al'Quadash, Balmastaq is subject to what are considered to be 'empire-wide' laws and taxes. The local satrap is nominally in charge of the city and can act however they see fit regarding its organisation and management.


Balmastaq follows all laws required by the Empire, as is mandatory for any members of it. In addition, a number of other local laws exist, including but not limited to:
  • Use of the Elvish or its relative languages is banned, punishable by the removal of the persons bodily features that demonstrated the language/s. (Retracted in 1282 DC and re-instated in 1409 DC).
  • Balmastaq allows restricted free use of magic in certain districts. This law was accepted by the Emperor in 1296 DC, after Averum was striken by plague, leading to Balmastaqs rise as a mercantile force.


As Balmastaq is subject to the whims of its ruler, laws have the potential to fluctuate rapidly. However a voting system to gauge public intent and desires was introduced to the city in the year 954 DC after a period of internal instability. Proposed laws are announced in public areas, with people asked to carve their names on giant sections of wood if they vote for or against a proposal. The ruler has no need to honour these votes, but informs them of the opinions of their subjects. Once a law is accepted or passed upon, the plaques are burned in a ceremonial manner, with the chosen result being done first.  


The majority of punishments for the breaking of laws involves mutilation, execution, fines or sentences of slavery. Appointed judges from the Church of Bane pass judgement on cases and punishment is carried out by soldiers.


The city maintains similar taxation policies with the rest of the Empire. Oftentimes, this is mandated as a set amount of coin, or; for those in professions where they produce resources (like food), a weighted amount of a resource. To manage this, an extensive list of the people living in the city is maintained.   The only major difference comes from the trade goods used, with items such as silk having a heavy export tax in particular.


Surrounding Balmastaq are its walls. Made of stone used from nearby quarries, the stone has a sort of pale grey-sand appearance, similar to many of the local buildings.

Industry & Trade

The city has a varied workforce, though most work either in support of the cities mercantile side or on the surrounding lands held by the local ruler. To this end, those working the land are permitted to do so in return for the taxes they pay to the city.   


The surrounds of Balmastaq lack the fertile lands found further west, though is still capable of producing many crops. Regarding local food production, much of the year round grains are grown in the nearby fields, in addition to rice closer to the shorelines, beans and legumes. During warmer months, more fruits and varied vegetables are able to grow; producing watermelon, eggplant, sugar cane and sorghum among others.


The city maintains a number of pieces of infrastructure built to assist in its position as a trading post. Most streets are cobbled, with a rare few being paved. An academy built to facilitate magic research was constructed in 1304 DC. A sister academy was built to further advances in science, being completed in 1307 DC. Many of the cities buildings used a pale grey-sand stone, with tiles of various colours, though pale red is most common. Many buildings can reach three stories, with interconnected pathways between them forming large sections of buildings, connected but without internal passage through to one another.


Beacon of the Strait

The Beacon of the Strait is a lighthouse built on a spit of land protruding out into the Rokall Strait and around the mouth of Samid River. The lighthouse stands around 400 feet tall (around 120 meters), being one of the tallest structures in the known world.

The Academies of the Bathran

Owing to funding provided by a former High Satrap, a pair of academies dedicated to innovation in science, magic and engineering were founded in the city. These academies being the Shining Beacon of Advancement and the Builder's Hall. Despite the cities ban on most magic, members of the Shining Beacon of Advancement are able to use magic in private settings or when conducting research within the Beacon of Advancement. Both buildings are known for their impressive appearances, with the Beacon featuring minor magical elements to achieve constant light sources, floating stairwells and a large central circular tower with overhanging sections of either side. This central tower, being made of a blueish stone stands out prominently amongst the rest of the city. The Builders Hall is notable for its use of mechanical leveraging systems to allow movement of small sections of the structure when needed, though this is a rare occurence. While less notable in appearancem, the Builders Hall is known for its strong curved wall sections and embellishments, along with a central section that seemingly stands in an impossible fashion.  

Banes Fist

Banes Fist is the a church at Balmastaqs center dedicated to the God Tyrant, Bane. Either side of the entrance has carved gauntlets meeting at an apex above the walkway, and the phrase; "Strength to the powerful," arched above.  

House of Paper

The House of Paper is the beauracratic and mercantile hub of Balmastaq, being the largest paper producer in the city and one of very few large-scale production houses in the Empire. With the buildings expressive archways, busy ground floor area and bay windows the whole structure stands out as one of the most important buildings in Balmastaq.


The city has several districts - The Palace, Trade Quarter, Highborn,

Guilds and Factions

A number of mercantile, religious and criminal groups exist through the city. Among these, the most reputable is the cities Church of Bane and the Sisterly Rokall League, both


Religion in the city is similar to the rest of Al'Quadash, though with a few exceptions. While Bane is the predominant figure of worship, several others are represented prominently throughout. Waukeen, Tempus, Oghma and Lathandar have dedicated followings throughout the city, in addition to small numbers of other worshippers. Worship of elvish deities is rare and often met with violence when discovered, much like across the rest of the Empire.  

Church of Bane

Most prominent of religious groups is the Church of Bane. Second to only the High Satrap in regards to power over the city, the Church of Bane came to prominence across the Empire several centuries ago, with most estimates stating sometime in the late 1100s. Since then the church has made effective attempts to ingrain itself into the Empire of Al'Quadash, often preaching how the principles of Banite worship align with rulers over the Empire. Within many cities of the Empire, Banites act as a sort of pesudo-mercenary group and this is no different in Balmastaq. Such so is this that much internal policing is performed by the faithful of Bane.  


As a result of the cities position as a trade power, many mercantile powers are present in Balmastaq. As of 1483 DC, the Pouchers lack any significant presence, though do work within the city on occasion.  

Bathran Paper Collective

Founded by the Bathran family, the Bathran Paper Collective is a worker and merchant group that manages the House of Paper.  

Sisterly Rokall League

The Sisterly Rokall League is a powerful league of merchant along the Rokall Strait and maintain a presence in Balmastaq, though had their strength diminished by Maadai Ahmad during his time as High Satrap. Historically, the League have been the most prominent mercantile organisation of the city, though during the rule of the Bathran family, their power was severely diminished.  


Gangs make up a prominent part of the marketplaces constant flow of trade. Rather than hired mercenaries, many of these peoples
Founding Date
509 DC
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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