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the Bearded One

Hanseath was the dwarven deity of carousing, brewery, and singing, representing the more festive side of the Stout Folk. He was also a war god, beloved by berserkers and whose followers were always seemingly off on some kind of crusade. As a war god, most followers were wild dwarves, who saw his penchant for throwing himself into the thick of a fight, regardless of odds as something to aspire towards.

Divine Domains

Trickery, war

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Beer stein

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Hanseath was known as "the Bearded One" for the thick hair that obscured most of his face.

Personality Characteristics


Hanseath often ordered his followers to wage war against traditional dwarvish foes, such as drow, giants, goblinoids, or orcs.


Contacts & Relations

Hanseath's herald was a celestial dwarf, this servant also being an unimaginably powerful barbarian. Among his allies were death and green slaadi, as well as howlers.

Hanseath was rarely counted as an ally by his fellow Morndinsamman members. Instead they tolerated his existence among them, knowing that to have strong workers was not enough and that they should enjoy themselves when not diligently performing the duties to their race. His role as a war god was held in far less respect among the dwarvish gods than that of Haela Brightaxe or Gorm Gulthyn, though he was nonetheless held in high regard for his ability to lift dwarven spirits during periods of hardship.

His main dwarven allies were Vergadain and Berronar Truesilver, though the latter could be more considered an acquaintance. Among non-dwarves, his main allies were gods focused on revelry like Milil.

Religious Views

Hanseath was held in high regard by brewers and barbarians alike, along with any dwarf that charged into battle ignoring the odds. His worshipers were often either in battle, or marching towards the next one, and hic clerics often served in dwarven military units (as both healers and spellcasters) urging their fellows into battle. Given their rebellious streak however, Hanseath's clerics were not always comfortable for the rest of the army to mix with, and many times were segregated into their own berserker units.

During the glory days of Myth Drannor, the dwarves who maintained the Shrine of Hanseath held the title of "brewmaster", and produced sacred beers and ales that possessed different beneficial magical properties.


Prayers to Hanseath were, in short, drinking songs; they were often chanted or sung, and many had simple rhyming schemes and frequent, repetitive choruses. His rituals were abundant with food and drink, often appearing to be great feasts, and most were raucous events performed before battle or after victory. The sole exception to this was the Ritual of the Cleft Shield, a rite notable in dwarven culture for being particularly, heartbreakingly solemn. It was performed by followers of Hanseath for a particularly beloved comrade that fell in battle.


Hanseath's shrines were great festhalls, most of which had extensive kitchens and pantries attached, dominated by long tables for worshipers to feast at and raise their goblets to the glory of the Bearded One.

Chaotic neutral


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