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Labelas Enoreth

Lifegiver, Lord of the Continuum, the One-Eyed God, the Philosopher, the Sage at Sunset

Labelas Enoreth, or the Lord of the Continuum, was the chaotic good elven deity who governed the orderly passage of time and guarded against those who would alter the path of history. Together with Sehanine Moonbowhe oversaw the long life span of the elves and their lives after they had left the mortal realms. His symbol was the setting sun. Labelas Enoreth is the custodian of time, monitoring its passing and making sure that the warp and weft of history isn’t torn asunder by powerful maniacs and errant demigods. He is also the eternal witness, watching the souls of the elves as they dance from incarnation to incarnation, each mortal lifetime representing a role an actor would take in a play. From his cosmic perspective, Labelas looks on each elven life as a story to be written, nudging wayward souls toward incarnations that he deems suitable for their overall development, and thus weaving the life of each elven soul into a tapestry that spans the ages. In acknowledgment of this gift, priests and devotees of Labelas often weave modest tapestries of their own and donate them to shines in his honor.


Before its fall, the realm of Orva worshiped Labelas as Chronos, the god of time. During the Mortalbound Period, Labelas Enoreth possessed the body of one of his clerics, Vartan Hai Sylvar. Driven mad by his banishment from his home plane of Arvandor, he committed a number of heinous deeds that caused Vartan to begin questioning his faith towards his god and creating a large deal of hostility from his party towards the deity. After the Time of Troubles came to end, however, a contrite Labelas made attempts to make amends with Vartan and his party. Due to Labelas' show of remorse, Vartan accepted him as his god again, becoming the Chosen of Labelas. The reason Labelas appears to only have one eye, is that he traded one in exchange for the ability to see through the timestream.

Divine Domains

Arcana, Knowledge, Life

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Setting sun.

Tenets of Faith

The march of time is inexorable, but the blessings of the Lifegiver enable the children of Corellon to live long and fruitful lives, unmarked by the passage of the years. Record and preserve the lessons of history, and draw lessons from that which has unfolded. In the end, the sun always sets before the next day dawns anew. When you follow Labelas's teachings, time is on your side.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Labelas manifested as an androgynous elf with silver-colored hair and a single misty gray eye - the other was covered by an eyepatch. He wore multi-colored robes of blue, gray, green and white. On rare occasions, he appeared as a mist that aged or, more commonly, revitalized creatures and objects he enveloped.   Labelas is portrayed as an elderly elf with silver hair, still-active eyes that once were bright blue but now are clouded and gray, fine wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, and a right hand slightly impaired by the effects of age. If anything, these symptoms of mortality make the god even more handsome and stately in the eyes of his followers than he was in his youth.

Special abilities

Labelas could place creatures into stasis merely by looking at them. He could restore or age a creature by up to one hundred years by touching them. If a creature had managed to travel through time, Labelas could restore them to their proper place in the timeline. He also slowed any hostile creature within forty yards of him. Magic cast upon him that interfered with time had no effect.

Personality Characteristics


He was a philosopher, a patient teacher, and an instructor who gave wisdom and knowledge to young and old alike. Labelas showed his desires through subtle means and rewarded those who pleased him with rare gems and valuable stones.


Contacts & Relations

Labelas had good relations with the rest of the Seldarine, though he could get impatient with Erevan Ilsere's tricks. He was closely allied with Mystra, both in her previous aspect as Mystryl the human god of time and in her current aspect as the Lady of Mysteries. He also was considered an ally of several gods concerned with knowledge - Deneir, Milil, Oghma and Savras; the naga deity Shekinester; and the halfling deity Cyrrollalee.   He was opposed to the gods of entropy, decay and those who promoted undeath. Clangeddin Silverbeard, the dwarven god of battle, had a long-standing grudge against him.   Labelas was very close to his Chosen, Vartan Hai Sylvar, whom he possessed as his avatar during the Mortalbound Period and who briefly served as his proxy before returning to Edarmyrni.   The White Stag of Labelas was another of the god's servants who appeared whenever elves needed guidance, though it had only ever been recorded as appearing on Evermeet.
Divine Classification


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