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Mount Tyrtross

Mount Tyrtross is the largest mountain of the Seper Range, and is located along its western edge, nearby the Ilachekan Wetlands. The location is believed to be the location of Tyrs final battle with Thundatross, the combination of which grants the mountain its name.


Mount Tytross is in the Seper Range of western Kasetia, towards the center-south of the region. It is the tallest mountain of the Seper Range and one of the tallest in Kasetia, being over 25,000 foot high. Bar the southern edge, where the Mianis Sierras can be found, Tyrtross has sheer peaks around it, with thin winding passages being the only means of climbing. The mountains peak has a small plateau, with the remnants of Tyrs battle with Thundatross still found there.

A number of rivers find their origin from Tyrtross, with the River Vida being the largest in the region. Another significant river is the Tierescon River.


Tyrtross has its southern base in the Mianis Sierras and as such inherits the sub-tropical montane landscape of that region. The southern edge has a sub-tropical forest that swells in population during the summer and then back to a far tamer level during the winter. The montane jungle becomes progressively sparse the higher up one goes and non-exsistant past a height of 15,000 feet. A height much greater owing to the mountains close proximity to the equator.

Past a height of 20,000 foot Tyrtross has snow-capped ridges and peaks, fit for few animals to live in year round. The few that do are larger birds of prey, or small herbivores adept at finding the few plants that dot the landscape. Further down the mountain, animals and plants of a similar sort to those found through the rest of the Seper can be found though still in small numbers. This includes mountain goats,

The harsh wind determines much of the mountains ecosystem, having blown many a prospective climber off the jagged trails in the past.

Ecosystem Cycles


During spring, the few animals that live atop of its rocky peaks will return from their time living amongst the lower altitudes and the few extremophiles that do hibernate further up the mountain emerge. This also marks the start of the mating season for many animals in the region and brings back the few roc who have been spotted here. This also marks the start of the monsoon season in the region.


Summer coincides with the monsoon season further south, bringing the snowline to its normal constant level and causing intense winds higher up. By this period, most of the limited animals will have migrated to other parts of the region where the wind is less harsh. A common sight during this time are normally low-lying predators journeying higher up to prey upon the departing birds and mammals.


During autumn, rain continues though with less frequency moving into a comparatively dryer season. Not all trees drop their leaves, turning the areas into a mixture of both bright evergreens and stark branches. Few, if any animals can be found during autumn, with the seldom few staying entering hibernation at months end. Large birds can be seen migrating through here to the north.


By winter, the area has turned to a desolate, snow-covered landscape. The region has virtually no animals in this time. Occasional snow-storms batter the upper reaches of the north face, hardly ever going to the lower altitudes.

Localized Phenomena

During the monsoon season, the powerful storms sometimes manifest high up in the ruins of Thundatross' castle atop the mountains peak. This has been known to cause disruptions in land, causing hostile elementals to manifest.

Fauna & Flora

Very little flora or fauna can be found on Tyrtross and the ones that do are normally seasonal. Despite this, the mountain is thought to hold rare herbs for use in alchemy


  • Lichen
  • Moss
  • Maugdod Flower


  • Roc (though single digit numbers)
  • Giant eagles
  • Eagles
  • Yaks
  • Mountain goats
  • Small rodents


Seper has long been the stomping ground of several goliath tribes, who settled the region sometime well prior to the reign of Thundatross, with estimates dating their first appearance sometime around -8000 AS. The Egumukane Tribe is the only one known to migrate to Tyrtross on a common basis. At some point after dwarves had found the Underdark passages to Kasetia, Tyrtross was the sight of the first skirmish between goliaths and dwarves on the continent.

Thundatross built the Conduit to Stronmaus atop the mountains peak in roughly -1000 DC and formed New Osteria upon its completion. By -600 AS, Thundatross had brought all of Kasetia under his thumb, though his death at the hands of Tyr during the late -500s AS spelled the end of his reign and the mountain again fell quiet.

By -400 AS, Tyr had become a god and the newly formed Church of Tyr designated the mountain as a holy site, while also providing its common name. The church constructed Justice of Thunder, a small abbey to the Maimed God in the year 87 DC on the lower heights of the mountain.


Tyrtross receives a small amount of tourists, with many being adventurers or treasure hunters looking to plunder the hold of the deceased Mad King of Kasetia. Seldom few of these peoples ever return and while some claim to have reached the top, none have had evidence supporting the claim.

The most common source of tourism comes from the clergy of Tyr on pilgrimage to the abbey. Clergy of Talos are also common tourists, seeking to harness the powerful storms produced by the Ruins of Thundatross.
Alternative Name(s)
Thundatross' Grave, Tyrs Triumph
Mountain / Hill
Location under

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