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Church of Tyr

The Church of Tyr, individually referred to as the holy justices, was the institution to further the worship and tenets of the god of justice, Tyr. It was a highly organized, formal denomination that adhered to strict rules within their fortified temples. They mostly attracted those who adhered to the lawfulness aspect of Tyr's portfolio, such as judges, bureaucrats and merchants.


The church of Tyr remains highly organized with a strict hierarchy of titles and ranks. Promotion through the ranks was done based on the number of judgements passed, their effectiveness and whether or not the ruling was agreed upon by those in charge of the promotion. This code was never broken, however instances of members being promoted multiple ranks as the result of incredibly impressive judgements or considerable contributions to the clergy have happened in the past.
  1. Keeper of Balance
  2. Defender of Justice
  3. Hammer Lord
  4. Knight Commander
  5. High Avenger
  6. High Lord Abbot
  7. Abbot
  8. Master Avenger
  9. Avenger
  10. Just Captain
  11. Vigilant Watcher
  12. Hammer of Tyr
  13. Sword of Tyr
  14. Lawkeeper
  15. Solemn brother/sister
  16. Acolyte of Laws


Priestly orders

  • Justiciars of Tyr - Elite order of mainly clerics of paladins, being a physical embodiment of Tyr's power on Edarmyrni. Many served in large cities of the world in courts, working as judges or magistrates, while a sizable portion also traveled to areas of the world plagued by chaos, particularly onto the outer planes.

Monastic orders

  • Order of the Even-Handed - Monks dedicated to Tyr based out of Enaveirveiro. Members of the Even-Handed sought to follow a long adventure at least once in their life.

Knightly orders

  • Knights of Sakhelia - Cavalry paladins to Tyr, based in Sakheloblast who mainly fought the many injustices past the Orikste Mountains of Skortenia.
  • Knights of Holy Judgement - This order attracted those who emphasized the "lawful" aspect of Tyr's faith. They specifically hunted devils, whom they viewed as perversions of true "lawfulness".
  • Knights of the Merciful Sword - These knights stressed the "good" facet of his teachings and were rather reclusive on the whole.
  • Hammers of Grimjaws - These most holy of Tyr's paladins, less than a dozen strong, were selected among knights of the Holy Judgement and Merciful Sword and granted membership after judgement from Tyr himself.

Tenets of Faith

The Tyrrans saw the world in black-and-white morality and wanted all of Edarmyrni to be cleansed of its lawlessness and chaos. They were devoted to justice and the deliverance of vengeance, but not in the manner that sought equality. Rather, they believed in illuminating the truth behind corruption and punishment of the guilty.


Intolerance and humorlessness was a common trait found among the faithful within the church of Tyr. This stark perspective extended into their outlook on life in the Realms, that the contrast between right and wrong was evident, and the justice they delivered was no laughing matter.


The clergy of Tyr would uphold the law wherever they traveled, taking thorough accounts of their judgments, rulings and actions. Through these accounts they corrected their errors and honed their understand of the various laws of the lands throughout the world. Their actions should always abide by the law and let none others break them. They were to be vigilant in their watch, swift to intercede and never fail to bring justice upon lawbreakers.

Within the more civilized areas of Toril, Tyrrans served as legal experts and lawyers. They would dispense legal advice and often advocate for those accused of guilt in trials. Although they would often lecture others who failed to completely adhere to a law and complained about extraneous formalities. However, they would often address these complaints to local authorities to ensure they would be better followed in the future. However these actions occured, the faithful of Tyr would never enforce an edict that was shown to be unjust or contradicted another law.

Within the wilderness, where law was seldom a concern, the Tyrran priests served as judge, jury and executioner. While they often equated vengeance for justice in their actions, they adhered to the philosophy of demonstrating "the mercy of ignorance." If someone was truly unknowing of local laws and customs, they were allowed a warning, albeit recorded for posterity in case of future transgressions.

Tyrs clergy maintained a strict code of truthfulness when discussing matters with other clergy members. While this was never extended to those outside the clergy, few would ever even consider the notion of lying if it had potential to cause harm.


Clerics of Tyr prayed for spells at dawn. Within their temples and abbeys, the clergy of Tyr included sung invocations, recited responsive prayers led by the head priest, gave sermons, teachings and readings from the holy texts of the Sacred Judgements of Tyr, and recited an anthem to close their ceremony. These were held every two hours, and each was representative of an aspect of Tyr.

The ritual held at dawn, the Awakening was gentle and uplifting in nature. Later on at noon, the Hammer at Highsun was a stirring oration on their vigilance and martial prowess. High Justice, held at evenfeast was a stern and proud commemoration on Tyr's laws and commandments. Finally, at dusk, the Remembrance of the Just Fallen was a haunting, softly-chanted hymn that revered those who died for the cause of justice, regardless of whether or not they followed Tyr's dogma. It was known to bring many bystander to tears.

The church of Tyr followed a monthly routine of rituals. Seeing Justice occurred on the first day, the Maiming on the 13th and the Blinding on the 22nd day of each month. All of these major observances involved chanted prayers, hymns and conjured displays of the god's holy symbol.


Priests of Tyr wore blue and purple robes, with a white sash and left-handed glove. On their right hands, priests wore black gloves to symbolize the loss of Tyr's hand, to Kezef. They would also sometimes wear strips of silk-like fabric over their eyes as a reminder of his blindness. When traveling, priests of Tyr wore simple clothes, adorned with his holy symbol, and donned themselves in full armor during battle. They were also to carry a Book of Lawgiving, a diary for all clergy of Tyr which was used to track all judgements they performed in the pursuit of justice.

Magic Items

  • Balance of Belaros - These magically floating brass scales would produce spell scrolls, upon receiving an offering of gold or other tithings.
  • Gong of Tyr - A powerful enchanted brass ring, imbued with Tyr's power to disintegrate its enemies.
  • Tyrs Locket of Justice - The item used during the first rising of the undead from the Desert of Demons to control the undead manifesting there.


  • Justicar - The favoured longsword of Tyr.
  • Hammer of Tyr - A powerful relic of the Tyrran faith, this seemingly ordinary steel warhammer was capable of turning undead, emitting a sunray-like effect and could be recalled when thrown by its wielder.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Tyrs clergy hold significant sway of the function of the courts where they are worshiped in great numbers, though they have never stooped so low as to abuse their position, seeing their place as one of great importance to the procession of justice in civilized society.


The quick growth of the Tyrran church over a short time has garnered it many enemies. Among these were the churches of Bane, Bhaal, Cyric, Mask, Talona and Talos.


Tyrs clergy were most numerous in Averum, the Eveloth League and the areas south of the Seper Range. Much of Averums judicial workers were clergy of Tyr.

Reveal the truth, punish the guilty, right the wrong, and be always true and just in your actions.

Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
Leader Title
Subsidiary Organizations

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