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Skeleton Men

If you need a job done, and you don’t know who to ask, find a member of the Skeleton Men and if they’re not the right fit for the job, then they likely have a friend who is. The Skeleton Men are what you might call independent contractors for hire, with a knack for subtlety and discretion. They are in essence, a thieves guild although their skills are not restrained to simply thievery. They have some level of organization but lack of ambition has seen them be restrained to the Ramuni port town of Varrimore. They tend to take jobs from anyone offering them, will little care for who is providing the contract.

The Skeleton Men love to think of themselves as far more important than they actually are. In reality, the only two members are Gob Wiseacre, a skilled thief, and Py, a young lore bard.

Public Agenda

Peform any job given to us, with some restrictions.


The Skeleton Men formed recently, around a year ago. Their achievements remain limited, although they have performed a couple of notable feats, including boarding a trading vessel en route to Averum though failing to make off with little more than a few coins and also assisting Drakoved in emptying out the ruins of Fort Varrimore and its vast treasury.

'We can do it'

Founding Date
Illicit, Gang

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