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The Sky-Watchers, are a group of orcs living in the Zapaykra Mountains in Northwest Skortenia. It is the only functional kingdom of orcs known to exist. They were originally a part of the Head-Tearers horde that emerged from the Zapaykra in 1419 DC.   Its sovereignty has been recognized by the other northern states of Skortenia, including Sakheloblast, Bulrilg, Dvoynayareka and Oghmani. Notably, all elven states have failed to do so, while the dwarves of the region remain divided on the subject.


The Sky-Watchers function in a similar manner to other large orc tribes, with importance placed upon the roles of the clergy, the war chief and the groups orogs.


Sky-Watchers are one of the few more peaceful groups of orcs found on the surface of the planet. They combine a mixture of traditional orc heritage with notions of modern technology, willing to engage in trade and cultivate their own goods, instead of relying on raiding others.   They remain intensely religious and place great respect in all orcish gods, with Gruumsh remaining the primary deity of the group. The once commonly held view of women as lesser than men has almost been phased out entirely, almost being equals in most regards. In addition, the Sky-Watchers hold far less racial hatred than might have once been common in the past, no longer holding vitriol towards dwarves or humans, though no such affordance is provided to elves as of yet.   In addition, the typically superstitious nature of orcs has been almost entirely phased out through effective education and teaching. This provided the added effect of introducing a written language amongst the Surface Orcs.


The Sky-Watchers were originally the Head-Tearers , an orc horde that emerged from the Zapaykra Mountains during 1419 DC, under the leadership of Urgol Head-Tearer. They quickly cut through the few Hakhrazian Horde communities that remained in the area, looting what they could. These communities quickly picked up their old nomadic ways, returning to the Northern Steppe Belt, though those from the newly formed Bulrilg Confederation would stay, leading to further attacks.   After the Bulrilg Confederation and Urgols death during the Battle of Grazk on Nightal 20, 1422, the Childhood Agreement was made. Urgols Blade of Ilneval, Prognak replaced him as chief and was renamed Sky-Watcher.   Shortly after the Battle of Grazk, the Sky-Watcher kingdom was founded, with Prognak being the king. Prognak became blessed by orcish gods with increased intelligence as a result. Before Prognaks death in 1436, he began a number of attempts to 'modernise' his people, introducing more common use of written language, new methods of construction and even starting to reduce the superstitious nature common to most orcs.

Demography and Population

Roughly 4,000 people, with most living underground.
  • 90% Orc
  • 4% Half-orc
  • 3% Orog
  • 2% Ogre
  • 1% Ettin
Owing to orc nature, the Sky-Watchers have a very high birth rate, though it has slowed down considerably since the Childhood Agreement.


Through the surface Underdark, the Sky-Watchers stretch halfway across the Zapaykra Mountains from Brur to Bhogol.


Each of the orc gods is equally represented through the Sky-Watchers.

Orcs must know their abilities, and we can reveal them.

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Surface Orcs, Gatruk Tribe
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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