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"As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox, as fast as a hare, as brave as a bear, as free as a bird, as neat as a word, as quiet as a mouse, as big as a house! All I wanna be, All I wanna be, Oh-oh-oh, all I wanna be, is everything at once!"
--Everything at Once, Lenka
When The Second Cataclysm, the arrival of The Tower, rocketed through Edda, it turned the clumps of material and Mana known as Mortal Forms into the flesh beginnings of the species we know in the modern-day. Many of the species were fantastical and enhanced, uniquely blessed by the mana that once made up their body, but not was the case for Humans.   They had no extreme senses, no inherent magical prowess, no connection to the land or the elements, they were merely people. But, time would prove that they were a people capable of great variety and adaptation! Mental malleability to learn and process new information quicker, bodies that would grow and fluctuate in short time to match their surroundings, and most key the ability to pass down these adaptations to their progeny.   Humans seemed underwhelming to the other nations of Edda at first, but it became quickly apparent they were a force to be reckoned with, one that grew and spread quickly, and learned all the tricks their enemies would use against them in the veritable blink of an eye.   Now of days, things are much less dire or oppositional in the world of Edda, but humans remain one of the most common and populous species in the world, with their sheer variety expanding ever further and further.

Basic Information


Much like all species descended from the Mortal Forms, Humans are possessing of two arms, two legs, a head, and upright-walking skeletal structure with much internal fortifaction to the torso. They tend to be a middling height between the short Stoutfolk and the vastly tall and slender Elves, although other bodily measurements wildly vary.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans reproduce at a faster rate than other Mortal Form descendents, with the egg-bearing members ovulation cycling every month and being able to be fertilized in a quick fashion. Their embryos also are comparatively fast, taking only 3/4ths of a year on average to be born, however modern medicine has found this is more of a strict limit due to the safety of the one bearing the child, as Human pregnancy is rather inoptimal and can be potentially damaging and fatal to the bearers organs. As such, Human newborns must be kept safe and nurtured for a longer period than other species.   The modern field of genetic research, while just getting off the ground, has also revealed that Human chromosomes and DNA sequences are much more easily varied among one another, with an increased yield rate for recessive genes, genetic mutations (mostly minor), and adaptability especially in youth.

Growth Rate & Stages

While newborn humans do not come out of the womb with as many motor skills as other newborns, they develop these quickly over the course of around a year, especially with supervision and guidance of adults around them. Much like other species, speech also develops around this time, although it will take them around two to four more on average to have consistent communication.   A large hormonal shift will occur around the ages of 10-15, most commonly in the 12-13 year range, where secondary characteristics of their biological sex will begin to occur, and if they possess genetics of any other specieis for one reason or another, those are most likely to begin showing here as well if they weren't already present for birth. Around this age is also when growth will happen in rapid spurts, either in literal height or in body fat distributing to a variety of areas on the body. Mentally, this is also when Human children begin to develop more complex strings of emotional and logical thinking on average, and will be able to handle complicated concepts that previously would've been too nonsensical or ephemeral to really grasp.   Emotional, social, and educational development have a variety of factors to them, but a well cared for human on average will be somewhat capable of self-sufficiency and will be on par with peers and adults between the ages of 16 to 18. This is also around the time where their bodies have the biological means to reproduce, although both for cultural reasons and medical safety reasons, it's reccomended to wait until one is between the ages of 19 at the earliest.   In many cultural groups, 18 years of age is when a Human is considered to be an adult, still learning but on par with their adult peers. Biologically, the body tends to enter a state of homeostasis around the age of 25, only really shifting in minute ways until around the age of 65, where a Humans body begins to break down. A healthy human can live anywhere from 90-100 years, but the breaking down of their cells and bodily functions increases the likelihood of another cause taking their life much earlier.

Ecology and Habitats

Humans can adapt to any environment that's remotely livable. So long as they have water, a consistent source of food, and shelter, humans have historically been able to survive anywhere. It's for that reason they can be found in every corner of Edda, paired with their faster-than-average reproduction cycle. These adaptations are also passed down to their young, who contiue to pass it down their lineage, and so on.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans don't have specific dietary needs outside of those affected by either genetic mutations or personal preference. They have a mix of flat and sharp teeth for the sake of eating both vegitation and meat with ease, but many meats require preperation to be safe and malleable for consumption.   Human hunters, in the past and present alike, could largely be considered pack hunters. Many can go it alone, especially if they're hunting small game, but to take down larger targets a group of 4 at least is considered average. Humans also have quite the internal reserve of physical and mental stamina, combined with the ability to learn and memorize at a faster rate than other species, letting them catch onto their targets habits quicker.


As mentioned in the Perception category, Humans tend to have a keener intuition than other species, especially on an emotional level. Similarly on average they are found to be more empathetic, understanding, and prone to change either as a broadening of horizons or corrective behavior. Of course, such things are extremely varied person to person, but they are common enough among all cultures that they are traits attributed to them.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Social structure is largely a feature of cultural upbringing in sapient mortals, however a cross-culture habit of humans is increased attatchment and reverence to one's birth parents and/or their most frequent guardians. On a behavioral level, many psychologists theorize that the additional years of protective care and the reliance human children have on their parents for guidance and education lead to this increased average bond, to the point where many human parents find it unbelievable that Elven or Dwarven parents, for example, could go decades without hearing from their child and be perfectly fine with it.

Facial characteristics

Humans on average have ovular eyes, rounded pupils with rounded, colored irises, and short rounded ears, sometimes with an extended bottom lobe. Everything else is subject to much variation.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans do not possess many enhanced literal senses. Their sight loses effectiveness in low light and their hearing is average. However, they tend to have sharp senses of both smell and taste, and while not something that can be definitively biologically tracked or sourced, Humans tend to have a keen intuition, perhaps stemming from increased sensitivity to microsignals.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Since Humans can be found just about anywhere, they find themselves in all sorts of different organizations throughout Edda's history. On the world stage, Magnum Opus and Boncly are the most Human-ran governments, with King Diomedes the 3rd and Governor Jacob Morrison both being humans and renowned through the world.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

For a long time, Humans were looked down on and condescended to, especially by longer-lived races, as their lives were very short and ephemeral in comparison, and they were also rather plain. But as time went on, and humans spread more and more and more, the other species started to notice their ease of adaptation, education, and self-progression, and soon found themselves being outnumbered in almost every field by these "mere" humans.   At the same time, given human genetics inherent malleability, humans also have the easiest time bearing children with non-human species, provided they are also descended from Mortal Forms. Many Half-Human children have come from their unions, some of which have reached numbers to be considered a species all their own, or very populous culture groups in certain cases.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Mortali Forma Apto
70-80 years
Average Height
5 feet - 6 feet on average
Average Weight
Varies on height, between 150-190lbs as an adult.


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