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The Pan-Eddan Alliance

“Peace is more than the absence of war. Peace is accord. Harmony."
In the shadows of the violent Border Wars, an era of peace and revolutionary ideas has rocked through Edda. While the knowing world tries new techologies, magical ideas, and cultural exchanges, there are a select few who watch the world for where it'll crack, and do their best to stymie the aftermath.   King Diomedes the 3rd was an instrumental figure in ending the Border Wars, so it makes sense he would not merely sit on his hands afterwards. He created the Pan-Eddan Alliance, a secret organization of all the rulers of Edda, plus influential pillars of worldwide communities, to ensure there was a place of safety and equal footing to not justt talk amongst each other and solve problems without war, but also to band together and work against the corrupting forces of Edda wherever they rear their heads. Thus, he hopes, will world peace be as secure as it can be.


There is no strict hierarchy to the organization or it's proceedings. Diomedes is often the most logistical mind, so he takes a leadership role most of the time, but any member can call for a meeting, for council, or ennact their rules when the need comes up. There is no better or worse among the Alliance.


Each member of the Alliance brings a different viewpoint to the table, a different idea of what peace and unity really is.   This however has led to a larger group ideal of compromise. Some members are less willing than others, but even begrudgingly it has become a necessity in the groups meetings.

Public Agenda

The Pan-Eddan alliance is designed to be a global peace keeping group representing all nations and all walks of life to ensure that a world wide tragedy such as The Border Wars doesn't happen again. They also put their efforts towards stopping multi/inter-national threats such as the rise of slavers, Anti-Theos cult activity, or the Beasts of the Apocalypse.


The various members of the Alliance all devote personal resources when the moment calls for it. The rulers do not spend government funds or actions to do so, with the non ruling affluant of the organization putting forth the most, especially when it comes to initially funding pan-eddan programs.


The Border Wars left many scars upon the land of Edda, and even wider shadows. When some nations made chemically induced berserkers, flying squads of indiscriminate destruction, magical disease bombs, and left thousands dead just about everywhere over a course of 20 entire years, it's hard to get rid of all the baggage that comes with it. No matter what steps of progress are made, the question left in the mind of many adults who lived through that time is "What happens next time?"   The Pan-Eddan Alliance is an organization set to make sure that there isn't a next time. Created by Diomedes the 3rd, he wanted to create a global organization that would band together to prevent the same level of troubles that caused the Border Wars. Then, it took ages for the rulers to agree to meet, and their doubts and paranoia created too many avenues for enemies to take.   The first person he approached with this idea was Grand Seer Eirian Scheherazade, a young ruler who he had personally tutored. It was not hard to get her to see the benefits, especially when it came to humanitarian aid as Eirian is a firm believer in goodwill. They then pleaded with the new leader of Laputa, the prodigal engineer Nathaniel Barbenfoullis. Once they explained in terms of logical gains and losses, he was quick to side with them. After him came pleading with Nike Amédée, the Pirate Queen. Luckily, as long as no one got in the way of her doing what she wanted, she had no problem signing up to bash other peoples' heads.   The harder part was the rulers of central Edda, Mohala Naʻapōʻino, Jacob Morrison, and Galen Grünberg. The first two were difficult because they were exceedingly neutral, preferring to handle their own nations problems only. However, they also saw heavy losses in the war, and so after some convincing from Diomedes, they figured that a peace-keeping operation wouldn't be a poor use of resources. The latter had difficulties because Agartha suffered the most at the hands of Laputa, their blood essentially being the payment for the snowy kingdoms freedom. At first it seemed like a never-ending impass, but with sincere humility from Barbenfoullis and pleads from Eirian, the Circle Speaker finally relented and agreed to this crazy plan.   Kaguya and Hippolyta were easy to get into the program, as the triad of Empresses had just exited their own civil wars, and wanted nothing to do with them anymore, and Queen Festivia Wistermire loved nothing more than an exclusive club. Thus, with the rulers of Edda brought in, the ground rules were set. The Pan-Eddan Alliance would stand for world peace, and to ensure that none of the nations would incite war against the other. They would not involve the inner workings of their nation with these missions, only serving Edda as a whole and not becoming a shadow cabinet of textual manipulators.   With a space provided for free and safe discussion, made with a bit of powerful magic and arcane contract work, many changes were ennacted soon in terms of how the nations coordinated with each other. Trade routes opened, cultural exchange programs were created at educational institutions, and various campaigns of fear between the nations were quashed in logical discussion. Once the first of the nations issues with each other were smoothed over, the Alliance began to turn its attention to Edda as a whole. What could they support? What could they create? What could they fund or back socially? And where could they knock the heads of corruption and hatred throughout Edda?   Thus began their trend of secretly backing various institutions around Edda, medical providers, researchers, impovrished aid workers, adventuring campaigns, civil rights groups, so on and so forth. They've also recruited several non-royal members to the Alliance, keeping them to same secret but honored rules as the rest, and improving their scope of knowledge and perspectives. They've also led multiple investigations and operations into illicit groups and villains, preventing nigh-international incidents wherever they can.   The organization is still in its infancy, and there is still much good to do. It will be interesting to see how its gilded web grows and who it brings into the fold. Hopefully, this act of unity, as hidden as it is, can be enough to stave off the flames of war, even with the Beasts and the Apocalypse they bring drawing ever nearer.

Demography and Population

The current members of the Pan-Eddan Alliance are:
  • King Diomedes the 3rd, Human ruler of Magnum Opus 
  • Grand Seer Eirian Scheherazade, Gemborne ruler of Afallon and The Cabal of the Night Sky 
  • Queen Nike Amédée, Ydrópos ruler of Atalanta 
  • President Nathaniel Barbenfoullis, Vohme ruler of Laputa 
  • Council Speaker Mohala Naʻapōʻino, Leopakino ruler of 'Oki Islands 
  • President Jacob Morrison, Human ruler of Boncly 
  • Circle Speaker Galen Grünberg, Dwarven representative of Agartha 
  • Empress Ha-Ouka Hanabira, Half-Elf ruler of Kaguyan Federation 
  • 2nd Empress Aka Juhi, Fiendborne right hand of Ha-Ouka
  • 2nd Empress Chae-Yeong Im, Beastfolk left hand of Ha-Ouka
  • Queen Festivia Wistermire Feytouched Elf ruler of Hippolyta 
  • Nikon Ludmilla, Human freedom fighter of northern Magnum Opus
  • Alice February, Halfling Wizard famed as the Wallbreaker
  • Edgar Gatsby, Half-Elf socialite and descedent of Selig Gatsby who founded the eponymous town. 
  • and many more who are currently under consideration

Protect the world, across the world

Founding Date
980 EE
Alliance, Cultural
Alternative Names
The Peacekeepers


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