People come from all over for the Frog Gig Spectacular, the largest frog catching competition on the continent. 4 days of music, food, and of course, catching frogs fill the town with joy and much needed tourism income. The locals specialize in all manners of amphibious capture and presentation/preparation. You'll find any kind of food you like there, so long as you like frog in everything you eat. The pride of the Spectacular is a 24 Frog catching spree, where anyone from three to ninety-three can go out into the marsh and catch as many frogs as they are able. The person who brings in the most frogs wins the coveted title of Leap Lord (or Lady) and are paraded around for the rest of the festival, treated to all manner of perks and free food.
There is a mayor, who must present his major decisions to the town every month in a special town hall meeting. Anyone who attends and is considered an adult by their race's standards get a vote. Majority rules.
Industry & Trade
They are the premier place to get all sorts of amphibians, and are often a destination for some in the holistic magic crowd for their ability to locate some rarer toads and frogs, useful in potions and spells and the like.
A decent marshland forest, the bounties of which are plentiful, supposing you like things to be wet. They also do pretty well for farming with the rich grasslands nearby.