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Session 17: Going on an adventure

Andrios, 22nd of Anagrypnion

General Summary

The council leave the City Watch barracks and make their way to the City Council building. Here, in the council room, Kadmos activates the Cone of Silence creating a bubble around the room.   The council spent some time discussing with Kira how she found the council and why she believes they're "the chosen ones" and who are the cultists chasing her. Kira explains that met a prophet in the Underworld named Alector. He had a vision of five heroes spread across Edinia, each with a glowing white mark. Then each of them were destroyed along with their surrounding resulting in the end of Edinia. Kira shared this with Venat who dismissed the vision but Kira knew she had to save what was left of Etheirys. She searched for a way to leave the underworld, though Erebos, God of the Dead is very restricted about no one being able to leave. However, Kira was approached by a mysterious masked man named Day who Kira became friends with and who claimed he could show her a way out of the Underworld. He tricked Kira to use aether to teleport and forced himself along for the ride. It didn't go well, Day arrived dead and Kira used too much aether which ended up corrupting her. Kira also shared that she teleported to Echo's statue because it was easier to anchor onto an Archon and she was Venat's sister. From there, destiny clearly played a part on ensuring that Kadmos found her and that the five chosen ones were already together.   The council discussed what to do next. They had previously decided to visit Oreskos first to help Drarra Wildpride but decided that since the road to Oreskos passes through Thestia which borders the Nessian Woods, they should instead help Lyra and visit Nylea, Goddess of the Hunt's temple first. The council then discussed what to do regarding their position as council members of Andrios. They each mentioned possible temporary replacements and decide to let Melanthos decide if they should be permanently replaced. Now quite late, they each decide to head home to sleep. Nir, Fyx and Kira stayed up a bit later drinking as Nir managed to recreate the famed Caipiri.   The next day, each member of the council spent time preparing for the long travel ahead and also ensuring their council was prepared for their absence:
  • Kaliaros visited Miri to find out about Horas and she shared that Sweet Carrot and her had found him "in good company". Kaliaros then spent some time at the House of Healing checking up on the corrupted flesh and dirt and concluded that the corruption is able to spread across dir and plants.
    Later that day he met with the members of the Council of Medicine to tell them of his travels and that Horas would be interim take his place.
  • Fennan spent his morning working on improving his set of armour and then met with the members of the Council of Education to let them know that Admentos would be taking his place while he was away. He also got a bottle of strong alcohol for Gaur and asked him to keep an eye on his workshop while he was away.
  • Kadmos visited Gaur for advice in his travels and to ask about the medallion he was found with. The general advice from Gaur was to trust no one and to be extra careful around the humans of Akros but even more careful around other Minotaurs. Kadmos also passed by the River Store to buy some Healing Potions.
  • Fyx woke up a bit late in the day after his evening drinking with his sister and Kira. Before leaving the house he passed by the family workshop. Herodotos had already heard rumours of their travel and had a request. He believed that the new type of instrument he was creating could become the best instrument very created but he was missing a key component: wood blessed by Thassa, Goddess of the Sea. He mentions that the Olanteans should know where to find some. He wishes Fyx safe travels and returns to his work.
    Fyx then made his way to the River Store to buy some potions from his friend Okros.
  • Nir met with Prexila asking for horses that the council could use in their travels. Unfortunately, due to the festival and the roads being safe to travel again, the only horses in the stable were extremely tired and needed rest. Nir also mentioned that she was leaving Zinon in charge of the Council of Commerce. Prexila had some concerns about Zinon's leadership skills and lack of vision and so she volunteered to take on the responsibility while Nir was away.
    Nir went looking for Sophos and found him on the river bank along with Charis. Nir asked them what did they know about event that lead to Fennan and her being forced to leave the Nyx Academy. Both Sophos and Charis were quite surprised as they were told that Nir and Fennan had left of their own choice.
    Nir then met with Zinon informing him of the trip and asking him to ensure the port project doesn't get forgotten. Before heading to the council meeting, Nir stopped by the River Store to buy some potions.
In the middle of the day, the council got together and informed Melanthos that they would be away for at least a month. Melanthos didn't seem concerned and understood that the council has bigger responsibilities towards all the people of Edinia, not only Andrios. The council then decided to share the news at an all-hands later in the evening.
Later that day, all the people of Andrios gathered around the Archeos for the announcement. Fyx tried to explain that the council was leaving to improve relations with other cities and improve life for Andrios. The people seemed a bit uneasy with the idea and there was clear concern among the crowd. Melanthos stepped forward and exclaimed that the real reason for them leaving was that the council, blessed by the gods as everyone was aware, were needed in order to save Ediania. They were on a divine mission and the gods smiled upon them. The crowd cheered and all concerns seemed to wash away.   The next morning, the council met at the City Watch barracks early in the morning where multiple people along with some of the wolves were there to bless their travels and bid them a good journey. The council then began their adventures outside of Andrios.
Report Date
07 May 2022

Reputation with the gods
  • Kadmos: 11 (+0)
  • Nir: 12 (+1)
  • Fennan: 12 (+0)
  • Fyx: 11 (+0)
  • Kaliaros: 11 (+0)
  Odyssey Quests:   Optional Adventures:   Side Tasks:

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