
The Empire of the Northern Bear


Anistlav is the land of the Northern Bear. The nation sits between Meri-Jaa to its north, and Gothmyr to its south. Anistlav is a true wilderness country. Herds of northern caribou roaming the plains between stout towns and villages nestled between valleys of wheat and barley. Massive mountain ranges shielding forests and towns from the harsh winter winds. Summers in Anistlav are warm and bountiful, while the winters are harsh and deadly. The duality of the seasons makes the people of Anistlav all the more hard and determined. Anistlav provides much to the eastern coast with copper and iron. Their mountains are ripe with metals that are used the world over. Shipments of iron, nickel, copper and coal are constantly moving across the countryside toward the docks on the shores. Wheat and barely made in the lowland plains is used to produce a thick beer that sustains the people of Anistlav. Some of the more rural villages keep apiaries and produce a sweet alcoholic mead coveted by the more southern countries.


Anistlav was founded by Humans and dwarves that headed north out of Gothmyr. It was never truly civilized but the borders of the country have been somewhat cleared of present deadly danger. The land was cleared by multiple princes and their personal armies that laid claim to the Imperial Throne. those who founded Anistlav were spurred on by their holy clerics, using religion as a way to justify their crusade to claim the Land for their clan. Eventually the land wars ignored the natural threats and allowed the monsters to grow while the people were busy killing each other.
Eventually, the smoke cleared and one of the smarter warlords, claimed Prince stood victorious. He took two other Princes and made an alliance, promised of power and position, when he won. The warlord was Ugdev Romsi Dujokov. Ugdev took the Holy Throne and was crowned Anistlav's first Czari. As his family married and his descendants were betrothed, his family's tradition is to never change their name.


The Czari is a family held position and usually a Monarchy led by a male. The current Czari is a tall and majestic Sorcerer named Kovalexri Dujokov. Czari Dujokov and his family rule with a stern, yet caring hand. The heraldic flag of Anistlav is senois a bend fir twigged or in fess point a bear rampant reversed sable in middle base a moon decrescent gray in second quarter a falchion bendwise gray. His sister Maeri is the Anistlavi ambassador to Gothmyr. His cousin is a Count and gifted a keep to the West. His male cousin is also a count given a keep to the North.

The People:

Most people from the country of Anistlav are tall and well built. they are mostly quiet and reserved, and endure much without complaint. Their hair color ranges from brown to blonde, and eyes are brown to green, rarely blue. Average height is 5'8'' to 6'2''. All speak common with a Lavi accent. The ancient language of Lavin is barely remembered except through sages and historians.
Powerful wizards and evokers come from Anistlav. There are two known colleges within the borders and many of the graduates have moved out to the southern countries to earn their fame and fortune. The country of Anistlav is not all arcane power and intellect. There are many barbarian tribes that still roam the northern countryside, wreaking havoc and leaving death and misery in their wake. The country is not an easy place to live, but it is more civilized than the Wildreach.  

Places of Interest:

  • Lavi - Capitol city-state and Imperial palace
  • Ostroynov - Fort and military academy
  • Altai Keep - Wizard academy and grand church
  • Pasloska - Entry gate and bridge fort to Gothmyr
  • Rosalov - Count Keep
  • Biansk - Count Keep
  • Zemnograd - Count Keep
Geopolitical, Country


Trade Allies. Shipping pact.


Non-Aggression pact. Treaty and Trade Relations

Neutral, but wary


Enemies and War Time Action

Anistlav claims Barasovia as part of Anistlav, Barasovia has broken free and declared independence. Anistlav is at war, trying to reclaim their Western lands.


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