


The Southern Falcon

Pennimair, the majestic Kingdom of the Southern Falcon. Thousands of square miles of beautiful subtropical forests, rocky ridgeline vistas and coastal beaches of unparalleled beauty make up the kingdom of Pennimair. The kingdom is old; almost every Age has had a version of Pennimair in some fashion. The Banner of the Falcon has flown high over the kingdom for centuries. Pennimair is a nation with politics and borders first on their list of importance. Barons, Counts and even Marquises all play the game surrounding the King's throne. Politics keep the noble class involved and keeps their coffers full of coin. The land of Pennimair is beautiful and some towns are even picturesque, and the people are pleasant enough, but the politics of the ruling class affect most common people's lives.  
The Southern Falcon sits on the east coast of Edus, South of Gothmyr across the Valeran Sea, and across the Redmourn River to the west are the Iron Kingdoms. Hepulchor lies to the south of Pennimair, across the South Falls River, where it empties into the Lanry Bay.  
The land was first founded by a single knight and his contingent of followers, who walked for weeks, following a raiding band of ogres. Running low on food and morale, the group stopped to discuss their future, and a fight broke out among the followers. During the battle, the Knight was about to slay his best friend when a falcon dive-bombed the two, separating them. The group followed the falcon over one ridgeline and found a running stream and a hunter’s cabin with a full stock of fresh-killed deer. That hunting cabin was the first building of the capital city of Pennimair.  
The current king of Pennimair is an aging, mean Lord named King Gaius Falconi III. He is known as the "Mad King" or the "Mad Falcon". King Gaius smiles at his commoners, promising them prosperity, yet turns a blind eye to the overtaxing and harsh living on his lands. He often calls for random people to be beheaded, and has sent platoons of troops into the poor section of town to round up the poor and press them into military service. He has impaled nobles and hung their bodies from the balconies of Highview Castle for wearing the wrong color to court. He is entering a form of dementia and no one has the power to stop him.
The capital city is Falconus. A modern and well protected lawful city with more of a grip on the throat of all citizens, than protecting them with a shield. 
King Gaius has two sons and three daughters. The males are eldest, and the first born, Gaius IV, was born with strange swirling tattoos along both arms. Matthew, the second eldest is frail and lacking muscle and health to do much more than walk the gardens.  
People of:
The King's barons take three gold; two for the king, and one for themselves. The commoners on his land love their king out of necessity, never for his actions. Indentured servitude is commonplace in Pennimair (usually due to not paying taxes), and many peoples seem mournful for lost loved ones, because another common act in Pennimair is forced military service for five years.  
Current Events:
Towns of:
There are many picturesque locales and villages within the lands of Pennimair. The land itself lends to natural beauty and many of those who live outside the confines of cities try to live within the nature that surrounds them. A few places within Pennimair are cold and dead feeling like that inside a city or keep, but often it is surrounded by more beauty, (hedge mazes, gardens, orchards, etc.) that make up for the imbalance. Counties:
  • Falconus - Capitol City
  • County of Orden - Capitol is Orden - House Blueflame
  • Duchy of Burne - Capitol is Burne - House Burne
  • County of Hamvale - Capitol is Hamvale Keep - House Karst
  • County of Donogal - Capitol is Ivy Keep - House Donogal
  • Duchy of White Glen - Capitol is White Glen - House Barenthal
  • County of Dunhill - Capitol is Dunhill - House Eddington
  • Duchy of Westwall - Capitol is Westwall - House Roy
  • Duchy of Presswood - Capitol is Presswood - House Pressington
  • County of St Ivy - Capitol is St Ivy - House Flemmington
  • County of Mithris - Capitol is Mithris - House Mithri
  • County of Blackpoole - Capitol is Blackpoole Keep - House Vonegat
  • County of Kirklynn - Capitol is Kirkley Keep - House Kirkley
  • County of Larken - Capitol is Larken - House Duron
  • County of Northland - Capitol is Northland - House Yorc
  • County of Trosbury - Capitol is Trosbury - House Oakley
Towns not controlled by a baron:
  • Ipshire - House Lubbick
  • Abden - House Renton
  • Croller's Crossing - House Sharall
Areas of Interest:
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The Southern Falcon

King Gaius Falconi III

Geopolitical, Country

Declared War

The relation has been strained since Gothmyr has made a peace treaty with Barasarovia.


Uneasy Neutrality/ Increasing Aggression

Pennimairan explorers have been invading the northern border, crossing the Ancient "Peace Wall". Rumors of entire villages wiped out or destroyed for gold treasures.


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