Known Organizations

Various groups, organizations and cults that are recognized within their respective kingdoms or empires. You will be able to find then separated by Kingdom and most include their areas of operation or their main base of operations within that kingdom.  

  • White Palms: Elite assassin cult sworn to protect and serve the Pharaoh of Al'Shiael.
  • Blue Scorpions: Elite heavy armored shock calvary in the service to Al'Shiael lords.
  • Invisible Fist Trading Co.:Al'Shiael based trading company and mercenary army. Also used as messengers.
  • The Shadowed Dream: Spies, assassins and psionicists cult from Al'Shiael.

  • Flaming Hands: A violent and militant Monk sect in a monastery in Anistlav.

  • The Winged Serpents: Flying Cavalry of Anwars capitol.
  • Rajapura Clawguard: Royal guard of the imperial bloodline of Anwar. Guards and personal escort within Rajapura.

  • Order of the White Leaf: Druidic cult and society from the Frozen Mountains of Barasova.
  • Order of the Hooded One: Secret organization of Cultists and mages from Barasova.
  • Black Coven of Turvish: Group organization of witches covens, necromancers and Warlocks out of Barasovia.

    Dawnshields Of The Sun">: Fundamental religious zealots operating out of Gothmyr
  • Shining Shield Adventuring Guild">: Mercanry adventuring guild based in Gothmyr but crosses many nations.
  • Graycloak Company">: Secretive psionic department of the Gothmyrran King, used as secret agents and spies.
  • Black Daggers Assassins Guild">: Gothmyrran based Assassin and thieves guild.
  • Argent Lupe Mercenary Co. Ex military mercenary company who fight anywhere and everywhere for coin. Main base is in Gothmyr.
  • Order of the Open Eye: Knightly order of psionicists and fighting monks and soldiers out of Gothmyr.
  • Gothmyr Order of the Eye: Malgam">: A new cult worshipping a dead god. Operating in the Wildreach, Lujahz and now Gothmyr.
  • Black Bones: Privateer naval group working under the Gothmrran flag.
  • Order of the Griffon: Knightly Order from Gothmyr.
  • Black Dragoons: Aerial Calvary shock troop under the flag of Gothmyr.
  • Order of the Green Dragon: Elvish knightly order out of Gothmyr based out of Rhil'Heeyl.
  • The Sea Bats: Gothmyrran Navy

  • Night Haunts: Hidden and secret cult of necromancers and Shadow magic users, operating out of Hepulchor.
  • Wraithblades: A racial sect of Wood Elves, guerilla fighters and protectors of their woods. Operating in Hepulchor.
  • Cult of 11 Eyes: cult of humans and monsters that worship and work as agents for a family of beholders in Ciudal Sahn.
  • Order of the Chimera: Knightly Order from Hepulchor.
  • The Queen's Scepter: Hepulchori Navy

Jade Isles:
  • Gemhands: A mystic group of Psionic monks, operating from an monastery high in the Daggerpeak Mountains of Jade Isles.


  • Red hand Mercenary Co: Mercenary company two-pronged with both operating in Lujahz.


  • Order of the Red Rose: Knightly order that acts as Mercenaries and swears fealty to lords across Edus.
  • Order of the Blue Falcon: Knightly Order from Pennimair.

Pirate Isles:
  • Sea Devils: Loose organization of pirates and privateers around Kytos and the Seas to the South.
  • the Plug Uglies: Massive pirate consortium under one Commodore, for hire and used as Privateers.

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  • Army of the RedTooth: Orish Army of tens of thousands operating in the Wildreach.
  • Red Dragon Brigade: Miltary troops under the flag of Ft Regna.


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