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Battle of Geldereth

The Battle of Geldereth, also known as the Battle for the Stars, was the climactic battle of the Eventide, fought between roughly ten thousand defenders of the surface world, led by Prince Bereth Nerenia, and twelve thousand nightbringers, led by Mavislak the Blood-eyed. The nightbringers waged this battle for the purpose of storming the Miranellic temple and performing a ritual that would bind Miranelle to the Material Plane, cutting off her powers. The battle ended in victory for the forces of the surface world, though heavy losses estimated in the upper 8000s were sustained.   The battle began around 4:45pm on December 22nd when a tarrasque erupted from the earth and charged towards the walls of the city. It was stopped by the Light Brigade as the nightbringers began their assault on the barricade built across the bottleneck about 2000 feet from the city walls, coming from a teleportation circle they had drawn in a secret place in the mountain crags. During this time, multiple fiends flew overhead towards the city to attack the archers on the walls. After several minutes of combat, the surface fighters fell back to the walls themselves, and the nightbringers closed in.   The fighting at the wall had gone on for less than half an hour when a purple worm under the control of a nightbringer mage destroyed the southern gate, creating an entry point for the invading army. The fighters continued to fall back, attempting to keep the fighting as far from the temple as possible. In the meantime several teams were searching for Mavislak, and though it was later discovered that most of their efforts were foiled by a simple casting of the spell nondetection, his company was sighted cutting through the throng after several hours of fighting, heading straight for the temple.   Several nightbringers fled from the resulting fight using magic, and an enemy mage, later discovered to be the wizard Elerra Avritane, cast a devastating fire storm over the temple which set it ablaze and led to its rapid collapse. She, Mavislak, and several of their most powerful warriors, mages, and monsters slipped into the wreckage and quickly began to conduct the ritual. The Light Brigade made to stop them and were nearly overwhelmed when several celestials appeared to assist them. The final, decisive confrontation took place in the temple's observatory, and Mavislak was taken down by the Brigade and killed by Sir Wivvyrholdalphiax Adrex sometime around 8pm.   The fighting did not stop completely until just after midnight, when the last of the nightbringers were finally driven out of the city, though the death of Mavislak marked a decided turning point in the battle.
Conflict Type
Start Date
22 December 1000
Ending Date
23 December 1000
Surface victory

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