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The Kindler is the chief archcleric of the Clerical Order of Kishike. The bearer of the title has resided primarily in the temple to Kishike in Prestir since the temple's completion in EC 4164. The Kindler's primary job is to provide guidance to all members of the order, priests and laypeople alike, and has traditionally acted as an advisor to the local authorities, in recent centuries the lord of Prestir and archduke of the region of Ianlamin.   The current Kindler is First, who was elected to the position in EL 1027 upon the death of the previous Kindler, Enkavma Lashing.


The Kindler is selected from among the active archclerics of the order at the time of the death of the previous Kindler. Reportedly, the chiefest consideration is typically what passion the order would benefit most from promoting at the time of appointment. There is no age requirement, although a cleric must have served for at least ten years and be at least the age of 45 to be an archcleric. There is also no race requirement; however, by far the most common races in the order are humans and halflings, with gnomes as the third most common, and this has been reflected in the selections of Kindlers throughout the history of the order.


The ceremony to appoint the newly elected Kindler takes place publicly at the temple in Prestir with all archclerics as a part of the ceremony. The Sacred Bonfire, which is extinguished upon the death of the previous Kindler, is ignited once again by the new one, and all archclerics process up with candles, which they then light from the bonfire. All together they recite a welcome to the new Kindler, and the Kindler responds similarly with an oath promising devotion to his or her new post. Having officially been appointed, the new Kindler then addresses the archclerics as well as all witnesses with a personal oration which is traditionally meant to establish what they hope to achieve while in the position, as well as vow to serve the members and supporters of the order. This speech typically lasts 10-20 minutes. The appointment always takes place as a part of a traditional religious ceremony.


The main public interactions undertaken by the order aim to educate, and the Kindler is in charge of organizing events meant to achieve this. Charity is also an important part of the order, and the two often go hand-in-hand, as events to educate act as fundraisers. The order's influence extends all across Talazic, although not too far beyond, and the Kindler is the direct superior to all archclerics running Kishikean temples across the world.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The Kindler usually wears a traditional red and gold robe with a hood, and during particular rituals wears a ceremonial hat in the shape of a flame. He or she also often carries a staff (called the "Staff of Kindling") which has been passed down from the earliest days of the temple. The staff bears a flame at the top for as long as the Kindler holds it.
Religious, Clerical
Length of Term
Until death or resignation
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