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The Nine Realms

The Nine Realms were nine extremely powerful human Talazichian ethnic groups that existed in the late Age of the Meydra to the early Era of Cloud. They are often called kingdoms, though in the beginning they were less cohesive nations with defined borders than they were various clusters of tribesmen with shared histories and cultures that generally stuck to the same localized area. As they grew stronger and more advanced, they began establishing leaders and clashing over land and power. They were eventually destroyed in the War of Fire but many remnants of their history and culture still exist today in the kingdoms of Talazic.   Calishr was located in the southwest, in what is now the Volkhaven and the Feywood. They were also known to inhabit at least some small part of the western Tors.   Chondatha, also often called the Realm of the Three Forests, was found in what is present-day Thessélias. The Chondathans were a reclusive, tree-inhabiting people.   Damara covered what is now continental Kroshesket as well as part of the far north of Gaulvista.   Illusk was located north of Calishr and southwest of Damara.   Mulan was located along Jeltir's southern coast to the east of Equora.   Rashem covered much of what is now eastern Jeltir, though their strongest legacy lay in the tribes of the Saij Desert. Rashem was strongly allied with Mulan for much of its existence.   Shou was located in what is now Vundkrag and Bhren. The kingdom was split in half, and the Gulf of Vundkrag created, by the rage of Fierel, leading to the deaths of many of the Shou people. They were the first to depart from Talazic near the beginning of the War of Fire, and though many more perished on the seas, the survivors settled in Avera.   Tethyr was a long country that stretched from the Sea of Ashkaso to Skell Sea. It was often colloquially divided into North Tethyr (Methyri) and South Tethyr (Pethyr).   Turam was located in the southeast of present-day Jeltir, mainly the regions of Ianlamin, Nerislynn, and Equora.

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