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Lakefinder Session 16: A Second Chance

General Summary

Month 13, Week 3 - Month 13, Week 4, Year 935
  The party quickly finished up their business in Havre, chartering a boat to Delmascar and a train ride to Dhyrlonis where they'd use the Gilded Hecat Guild's teleportation circle to arrive in Gameria and find a cleric capable of reviving Leena. Before departing High Priestess Elise made sure to cast 'Gentle Repose' on Leena's body, and she offered the services of an acolyte named Relwynn to assist the party on their journey.    They arrived in Dhyrlonis just two days before the end of the year, decorations already laid out for the upcoming Ageless One Festival Week. The Co-Questors pushed ahead with their mission and teleported straight to Gameria without any rest, racing to the city's Temple of the Ageless One to find a priest or priestess powerful enough to revive their friend. It took some straight talk and persuasion, but the party secured a meeting with High Priestess Alma and explained the situation to her. Alma started out skeptical of a second revival attempt if the Ageless One had already decided against the first attempt, but eventually she agreed to give the adventurer a second lease on life (much like how a band of adventurers had given her a second chance decades ago). Alma would need some time to set up the ritual, so the party decided to have a quick sparring match at the GHG's Thousand Faces tavern where Kai managed to defeat Eraji in a surprise upset. Even Karly got in on the action with a couple of well-placed fireballs.    When it finally came time for the rituation the party watched on with bated breath, Eraji and Karly offering prayers while Alma and her acolytes set the spells in motion. After what felt like an eternity the ritual was complete with a critical success, and a newly-revived Leena embraced the party. They all returned to the Thousand Faces tavern for a long night of drinking, Karly and Leena having a heartfelt conversation while Eraji tried eggnog for the first time. Dreams plagued Leena and Kai, but after a long day of rest the Co-Questers were ready to continue on their journey north towards Anthep and its yuan-ti cults.

Rewards Granted

  • 20 XP - Showing up
  • 80 XP - Moderate and major accomplishment
  • Leena rejoined the party

Character(s) interacted with

  • Elise - High Priestess of Despero's Temple of the Ageless One 
  • Relwynn - a half-elf woman and Ageless One acolyte with a long-running streak of bad luck
  • Ishtara - a tiefling woman and bartender at the Gilded Hecat Guild HQ in Dhyrlonis 
  • Alma Quinn - High Priestess of Gamerian Temple of the Ageless One, High Priestess of the goddess Erivo 
  • Auntie Lindworm - Guess the deal's off
Report Date
10 Sep 2024
Primary Location
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