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Abandoned Necromancer's Tower

This now abandoned tower stands between the Igma Mountains and the north-western edge of the Okina Forest. It is believed to be around 200 years old, though its presence had gone unnoticed for some time, due to it being miles away from civilisation.

Purpose / Function

Evidence found within the tower indicates that it was intended to be a home and base of operations for a necromancer. The wizard looked to have been raising undead minions and conducting other outlawed experiments.






The building is constructed of stone and timber, but is now in a state of disrepair - with large holes in many sections of the exterior.


The tower seems to have had magical defences at one point, but they have since expired. Undead seem to gather in the area, posing a danger to anybody foolish enough to get close.


The tower was discovered in 1744 by members of The Hunter's Guild, who noticed strange lights to the west when patrolling the northern edges of the Okina Forest. The area was subsequently investigated by the Order of the Shield, who found the tower and its undead inhabitants.   A group of Templars, led by Karth Page, attacked the tower, destroying the undead fiends within and sanctifying the land. Evidence found within the tower suggested that a wizard was living and working here, but the spellcaster was nowhere to be found.   Few returned from the assault, and details were sparse on what truly occurred.   In 1768, The Unlikely Association investigated the tower, finding undead minions once more defending the outer walls. Most of the interior had been cleared out, with only a few tomes, scrolls and other knick-knacks left behind.
You know what I'm starting to realise? Kureta has a lot of creepy places... Throughout the entirety of this piece, I swear that I could hear the moaning of the dead. But the Knights cleared the tower out... right?

Flynvias Stillbrush
Room, Tower, Wizard

This article has no secrets.


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