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The Templars have sworn an oath to the crown to serve until death, and in return are granted divine Magic (believed to be the blessing of The Goddess). The Templars are usually reserved for matters of the arcane or supernatural.


The Templars serve as a sect of the Order of the Shield, and thus their structure is included within the larger organisations'. When dealing with a specific Templar matter, a member of this organisation would likely report directly to Knight-Commander Devianne.


Becoming a Templar

For knights wishing to become a Templar, they must first gain the approval of the Knight-Commander, and then the following oath must be taken in front of the Queen:

"By the grace of the four, and by the honour of the crown, I [full name] swear to uphold the tenants of the Templars until the day that I die."

The 4 tenants below are then recited:

Law. The law is paramount. It is the mortar that holds the stones of our civilisation together, and it must be respected.

Loyalty. My word is my bond. Without loyalty, oaths and laws are meaningless.

Courage. I will do whatever needs to be done for the sake of order, even in the face of overwhelming odds. If I don’t act, then who will?

Responsibility. I must deal with the consequences of my actions, and I am responsible for fulfilling my duties and obligations.

And the final declaration:

"Should it be the will of The Goddess, I shall serve Kureta with her blessing. I will strike down the evil that threatens to destroy us and uphold the values of our nation.

I swear it on my name."

The Queen will then give her blessing to the new Templar, who will then gain divine powers should they be worthy.

Public Agenda

The Templars purpose is to deal with issues that the regular Knights of the Shield cannot. Using their unique Magic, Templars are better equipped to deal with issues that may arise from rogue mages, or magical creatures. Like the Order at large, the Templars primary goal is to protect Kureta, but in a more specialised manner.


There are currently around 100 Templars across the country.


The Templars were founded in 1153 KCB. Unlike the founding of the Order of the Shield, the Templars did not begin life as a direct response to a specific event, rather they were instituted as a way of fighting against the unknown.  
  Throughout the years, Templars have generally been dispatched either solo, or in groups of up to 5 to deal with issues that arise across the country. Historically, they have put an end to rampaging magical beasts that have attacked towns, captured dangerous spellcasters who have posed a threat to the public, and helped to save civilians from strange magical disturbances in nature (e.g. severe snowstorms).  
  A contingent of somewhere between 10-20 Templars are always kept on the island of Yukori Prison, ensuring the dangerous inmates do not escape.  
  In 1744 a group of Templars, led by Karth Page, attacked the Abandoned Necromancer's Tower, destroying the undead fiends within and sanctifying the land. Evidence found within the tower suggested that a wizard was living and working here, but the spellcaster was nowhere to be found. Few returned from the assault, and details were sparse on what truly occurred.
Founding Date
1153 KCB
Military, Knightly Order
Training Level
Parent Organization


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