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Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice

Aurelia, the Exemplar of Justice is a celestial being that serves as Ilamin Taren's guardian. Her role is to serve as judge of wrong-doers, and punish those who have broken the laws of the heavens.   As the celestial patron of Amie Taren, Aurelia also serves as the guardian of her son, Ilamin. Through a dark turn of events, Ilamin and Eva Monroe have conceived a child which is destined to become a Nephilim. After willingly losing her memory of these events, Eva was visited by Ilamin and Aurelia mid-way through the pregnancy. Aurelia was able to restore Eva's lost memories, and the celestial pair have promised to return to Kureta City when the baby is due - apparently with a plan to keep the child away from Envy, The Jealous.   In her role as judge, Aurelia was also responsible for banishing Avacyn, Angel of Hope from the heavens. Avacyn had secretly brought 2 mortals into the heavens, one of which was a Nephilim child. Once this transgression had been discovered, Aurelia had no choice but to send the pair to the material plane, and strip Avacyn of her divinity. Showing a softer side however, Aurelia did agree to look after the child until the parents were sure that it would be safe at home.
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