BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 94

General Summary

  • Stock up on supplies before Veda teleports the group a mile outside of Kaiz
  • Discover a large encampment outside of the town, which is covered in a giant hemisphere of shadow
  • The party are met by Commander Ariadne Knightsbridge, who explains that the encampment is filled with people either displaced from Kaiz, or that have loved ones inside the dome
  • Ariadne confirms that nothing they have tried to get inside has worked. She doesn't know what the party can do, but suspects if anyone can get in, it'll be them
  • The group approach the dome, and Eva places a tentative hand on it... which passes through. Tied together, the party head into the shadow without incident, emerging into a darkened town on the other side
  • There are no light sources on the other side, and any light produced by the party is heavily diminished
  • With no signs of life on the streets, the group head to the nearest building to see if anyone is inside
  • Inside the home, they spy 2 people seemingly asleep on a couch. Their breathing is shallow, but they seem to be alive. Peering through the window of a 2nd home conveys the same thing - it seems the people of Kaiz have been magically put to sleep
  • Movement is detected in the shadows, and as the group move towards The Tama Sodanya they are attacked by a trio of large shadow creatures
  • The creatures release powerful blasts of necrotic energy, causing severe damage, but not enough to defeat the party. The creatures are defeated, with The Arkbow proving particularly useful against them
  • Once the shadows are destroyed, the road to The Tama Sodanya illuminates slightly, as dozens of the same shadow monsters line the street. It seems the party are being led to their destination
  • As the group enter the grand amphitheatre, Eva hears a voice in her mind...
  • The group walk into the main theatre, finding all the seats occupied by shades - except for 6 seats right at the front, which are lit up
  • The party take their seats, as Harmony appears on stage - welcoming the party to a grand show
  • Harmony proceeds to mock Eva's life, noticeably taking many shots at Envy
  • Eventually, the Archdevil of Envy appears on stage, flanked by Erinyes, and with a naked female body at his feet
  • Envy, baited by Harmony's words, claims that he created Eva's beautiful body from his own flesh. And that the person at his feet is Millicent’s original body, which now remains as an empty shell
  • Upon hearing this, another powerful being materialises - Pride. Pride confirms that the father of Eva's child is an Aasimar, and thus by conceiving a child with a celestial being, Envy has broken the terms of his banishment. Aurelia appears with an entourage of angels to take Envy away
  • In one last desperate attempt, Envy dominates Eva's mind to find out the location of the child. Eva is able to resist however, and the angels chase the archdevil away
  • Harmony and Pride then explain what just happened. Essentially, Pride needs the party's help to save the world. She was aware of Eva's issues with Envy, and by resolving the problem, she has killed 2 birds with 1 stone - removing Envy's threat to The Hells, and freeing the group from any further distractions
  • Harmony confirms that the people of Kaiz are fine, they have been sustained through Magic for the past few days, so may just be a bit hungry and confused. She needed the whole thing to seem realistic to ensure Envy would come. Eva's father is ok too, though likely a bit shaken up
  • Eva apologises to Harmony for everything that happened in the past. Harmony accepts the apology, noting that Envy was responsible for the worst of it, particularly as he was able to dominate Eva's body
  • Before taking Kaiz hostage, Harmony was successful in recovering Bolgae from Erfu. This means that all 7 of the artefacts have now been recovered
  • Pride explains that the group must take the artefacts below Kureta City, to find the crystallised heart of Flarus. There are 7 spectral guardians - the original wielders of the artefacts - who have been placed to defend the heart from anyone except those with the artefacts
  • These items are the key to destroying the heart, which will release the stored energy of The Divine Dozen. Once returned, they will have the strength to deal with The Goddess
  • Pride believes that The Goddess is unable to see the beauty of the world she has created, because she has cut out her pride. If the archdevil can reconnect with The Goddess, it is her belief that she will stop her quest to destroy the other deities
  • Should they fail, Pride believes that The Goddess will reform the world in her original image - destroying everything that currently exists in the process
  • With quite a bit to unpack still, Harmony releases the dome and the group return to Ariadne to explain that the town is now safe
  • Returning to the capital, the group bolster their supplies, improve their gear, and take a few days to themselves before deciding their plan of action
  • Report Date
    02 Oct 2022
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location


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