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Campaign 3 Ideas


  This campaign would take place roughly 100 years after Campaign 2.   The word on Ekina’s natural magical energies is out – way out. Beings from other planes and worlds have begun arriving en masse, all eager to harness the power of Quintessence to achieve one goal or another. This has caused a whole host of issues for Kureta’s local inhabitants (which has become a hub for interplanar travel) but also, opportunity.   With the perfection of Planar Portals, Kureta has gained access to knowledge and resources the likes of which it had never known before. But gathering these things is no easy task, and only the truly brave or stupid will take the necessary risks for the awesome rewards.   Your new brave or stupid character will be part of a new team, working for a guild of McGuffin gatherers (name TBD). The campaign will start out with some quick and simple missions to get to know your characters, abilities, etc. before the main story reveals itself and things inevitably… get real.  

Character Creation

Pretty much anything goes, but we will need to try to tie your backstory into the main quest as much as possible, so keep that in mind if you decide to go nuts with your character.    


  Welcome to the desert! Polemis is a land of rich cultural heritage, heavily influenced and stuffed with references to ancient Greek and Egyptian mythology.   This campaign would either take place not long after the events of Campaign 2, or potentially some years in the past.   Your group would begin as part of an expedition to explore a recently uncovered ancient tomb, believed to be the final resting place of a great “Afentas” (holy king). Typically, ancient tombs are not disturbed – but this Afentas is said to have been buried with a holy artefact that the Church of Polemis would dearly like returned. Cue the ancient Egyptian themed dungeon crawl to allow time to get to know your characters.   The result of this expedition will then lead into the main story, which will very likely have strong ties to the deities of Ekina. This campaign would likely have a higher number of dungeon-delving missions, as well as secret unravelling and all that good stuff.  

Character Creation

Ideally your character will be from Polemis, but if you have an idea that requires you to be from somewhere else, I’m sure we can figure that out. Elves are rare here, but not unheard of. Most other standard races are fine. All classes are viable.    


  Sonkai is a peaceful land, with loose references to ancient Japanese and other far-eastern cultures.   This campaign would likely take place a few decades after Campaign 2.   Sonkai’s tranquil countryside – once a haven for those wishing to live a peaceful and respectable life – has become a place of monstrous uprisings. By which I mean, literal monsters are rising from the soil.   It started not long ago, rumours of strange beasts lumbering through the forests, slaughtering animals, and chasing off those with the sense to run. But now things are becoming more serious. Trade routes are under threat, people’s homes and livelihoods have been destroyed, and the count of these monster sightings continuous to rise.   There is no doubt that somebody is behind these attacks. But at present, there are no clues as to who or what is causing the monsters to appear. Some claim it is a foreign power seeking to disrupt Sonkai’s stability. Some say an evil magician is seeking to claim the country for his own. Others still lay the blame on the angered ghosts of the ancestors, who seek revenge on the living for the changing times Sonkai has seen.   Your group would be mercenaries (using this term loosely), tasked with investigating the cause of this monster uprising, particularly who is behind it and why.  

Character Creation

Pretty much anything goes, but races would need to be kept to the more standard options (no Warforged, Centaurs, Fairies, etc.)    


  Howdy y’all! Welcome to the Holy Wars!   This campaign would likely take place a few decades after Campaign 2.   I think I’ve explained Colere fairly well in-game. The country has been in the midst of a civil war for as long as anyone can remember. Several “Dominions” of Colere are fighting over the rights to enter the Tower of Heaven, which stands tall in the centre of the country. Each has their own reason for wanting to get in, none of which lines up with what the other Dominions believe.   Your party would be working for one of these Dominions (we would discuss this further if we end up with this setting). You’ll be tasked with increasing your Dominion’s standing in the war, which may include fighting on the front lines of some battles, espionage, finding weapons and knowledge to aid in the war, etc.   If things go well, maybe you’ll even get to enter the Tower of Heaven itself…  

Character Creation

Pretty much anything goes, but races would need to be kept to the more standard options (no Warforged, Centaurs, Fairies, etc.)    

New Continent

  This one is more of a wildcard.   This campaign would likely take place just a few years after Campaign 2.   You will be part of the maiden voyage to the new continent discovered by famed adventurers, The Unlikely Association. Flying on one of Tobur Füne’s airships, you will arrive on the western landmass with the goal of exploring this new land.   What will you find there? Who knows! But for reasons, there is a good chance that your route home may become unavailable, and no rescue ship is coming to save you any time soon.   This campaign would be exploration heavy, with survival being a key factor too. (There will of course be combat and social encounters too). Your characters would know next to nothing about this land, putting everyone on a somewhat level playing field in that regard.   It is likely that you will encounter things that no Kuretian has seen before… and perhaps you as players haven’t seen either.  

Character Creation

Pretty much anything goes, but races would need to be kept to the more standard options (no Warforged, Centaurs, Fairies, etc.)   Though if your character dies midway through, there is a chance that some other options might become available.


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