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Sonkai is Kureta's northern neighbour. It is a land built on strong traditions of honour, family, and pride. Sonkai's ruler is a Human woman called Ishizu Wren, Empress of the Xing Dynasty. She is protected by the Okotte Guard, an elite group of 77 masked warriors who are sworn to protect Ishizu with their lives.


Like all nations of Ekina, The Pentheon is recognised as the one true religion.   In Sonkai, however, the goddesses are called: Inari (The Goddess), Shiten (Hostetta), Zaiten (Adonia), Fujai (Afflencia), Jizo (Mortona).   The Goddesses are often depicted as being small cherub-like creatures, sometimes in animal forms (particularly foxes, bears, owls).   Jizo is seen as the guardian of the underworld, as well as the one who helps people transition from life to death. She is seen in a much more positive way in Sonkai than in other societies.

Agriculture & Industry

Sonkai is a land of rich soil, and clean water. They have an abundance of farmers and fishers, who supply the nation with a plentiful amount of food throughout the year.   With the exception of Shi-Kanta and Brae-Pon, Sonkai is not very advanced when it comes to industry. Much of the country is content to live a simple life, following traditions closely and taking pride in their work. It is possible to have exquisite items such as weapons and armour made in Sonkai, forged by master crafters who have spent painstakingly long hours perfecting their trade... but you'll be hard pressed to find large industrial operations, or anything that is mass-produced.

Trade & Transport

Most folk of Sonkai are content to provide for themselves, and for the town or village that they hail from. Some merchants, however, will often travel to the capital, Shi-Kanta, to sell their wares. Sonkai's capital is a hub of trade, and the only place in the country where one could go to find anything they need.   The Shi-Kanta marketplace is a busy, and rather disorganised affair. Newcomers to this city are often left baffled by the display, and are prone to getting lost, and being pick-pocketed.   Much of civilisation within Sonkai exists around the Lake of Tranquillity. For this reason, much of the country's transportation is carried out by small boats. There is also a ferry that exists, transporting passengers between Shi-Kanta and Hephos.


Throughout Sonkai, some towns and villages will have local schools. These schools teach the basics of reading, writing, and mathematics. These schools are often expensive however, and many families cannot afford to send their children there.   For that reason, most folk of Sonkai will home-school their children. At home, children will learn all they need to carry on their family's business and to survive in the world.   Sonkai does not have any form of "higher" education, though there are a few organisations that people can join to learn new things, such as the Monastery of Lilies, for those who wish to master themselves.   Wizards also exist in Sonkai, though they are rare. Should one wish to learn Magic, they would need to apprentice themselves to an existing mage and learn spellcraft through them.

Tenets of Faith

The people of Sonkai are quite different in how they venerate the goddesses. Small shrines can be found across the country, in towns and villages, along the roads, even in secluded areas of the forests. Larger cities may have temples dedicated to worship, but the general idea is the same. The people of Sonkai will make small offerings to these shrines, in the hope of receiving guidance or peace.   Other than these private moments spent at a shrine, the citizens of Sonkai do not have much in the way of rules or laws in relation to the goddesses. All are free to worship as they see fit, with many seeing the deities in nature - always with them, and easily accessible.


  • Sonkai
Geopolitical, Empire
Training Level
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Economic System
Sonkai does not have a collective word for their currency, simply referring to their wealth as gold, silver, copper, etc.
Major Exports
  • Fish
  • Mercenaries
Major Imports
  • Skilled Labourers
  • Magic
Legislative Body
The Xing Dynasty is responsible for the creation of all laws within Sonkai.
Executive Body
Unlike their southern neighbours in Kureta, Sonkai does not have a central policing organisation. Towns and cities are left to their own devices when upholding the law, and many will have their own laws that must be obeyed whilst staying there.   In Shi-Kanta, the law is upheld by the Keisatsu Mamoru - a city guard that belongs to the Xing Dynasty.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations


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