BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 14

General Summary

  • Party collect their next quest, to capute Adriana The Ghost
  • As they head to the taproom, portals open and 2 minotaurs plus a Green Slaad emerge
  • With Inadi and Aveline's help, the beasts are defeated
  • Celine and Groban recognise the creatures were wearing Thayan slave collars, meaning they were being dominated by a wizard
  • Head to Swords 'n Stuff to do a bit of shopping
  • Approached by a member of The Outcasts known as Tokira, who asks about Marty
  • Long rest and level up
  • Teleport to Eastbrooke, a small town in East Haven, Colere
  • Told to find Osryn at Osryn's Rut - apparently they have info on Adriana
  • Upon arriving in Eastbrooke's teleportation circle, a Halfling woman called Susan is alarmed by the presence of a Warforged
  • Susan checks the party's papers, and believing the group are not from Mountain's Reach, she explains that their northern enemies have recently deployed Warforged in the civil war. One such creature has recently been captured and is currently in the hands of the garrison
  • The party head to the garrison, with Celine hiding her identity under a hood
  • The group discover that a Warforged looking almost identical to Celine has been killed and is currently in the process of being dismantled
  • This Warforged seems to be a newer model to Celine's body, however
  • In exchange for information on the machine, the group are given a magical circlet that this Warforged was wearing - which seemed to enhance it's fighting abilities
  • Whilst exploring the Warforged body, the garrison has discovered that the creature had a humanoid brain
  • This revelation leaves Celine somewhat shocked, as Groban confirms that there is a similar panel on the back of Celine's head
  • The party then head to Osryn's Rut and find a Dwarf called Osryn, or "Rusty"
  • Osryn tells the group that he saw Adriana in his pub a few days ago, recognising her from a flyer a bounty hunter left with him. He sent word to Kureta in hopes of claiming some of the reward money
  • Osyrn says that Adrian was talking to a local rogue called Ryan Jackman. Ryan frequents the pub most nights, and so the group are welcome to wait around or come back then
  • The group decide to head to a nearby field, summoning a tiny hut, to discuss their new revelations.
  • Report Date
    11 Aug 2023
    Secondary Location


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