BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 36

General Summary

Collective Action, dressed in their finest, heads to The Kaiz Playhouse for the evening's performance of "Eclipsed Hearts." They are escorted to their box, where drinks and snacks await them. Barnabus requests to meet Madame Vespara after the play, and the party is granted permission to join the wrap party.   The play begins with an introduction from Madame Vespara, who invites the audience to embrace the story's messages. The tale unfolds as a love story with dubious morals, depicting a young man performing increasingly evil deeds to win a mysterious woman's affections. Some among the party suspect that the play might be intended to influence the audience, either magically or otherwise. Once the performance concludes, they are escorted backstage for the afterparty.   Backstage, the adventurers are introduced to Madame Vespara, who is thrilled to have a prince in the audience. They make small talk, and Barnabus suggests investing in Vespara's next production. Intrigued, Vespara hints at a more promising investment and arranges a meeting for the following day. Meanwhile, Meepo sneaks around backstage, finding masks and a cute dragon costume but little else of interest.   As the festivities continue, a familiar face, Lyra Brightsong, appears. The young influencer introduces herself to Barnabus, eager to make a good impression. The pair hit it off, and Barnabus agrees to meet with Lyra later. The party then leaves the playhouse and returns to Siren's Song for the night, though Barnabus heads to The Gilded Harp to meet Lyra.   Barnabus and Lyra chat for a while, with some obvious flirting from Lyra. Barnabus inquires about the influencer gig and learns how it came about. He suggests that Lyra could do better and proposes she meet him in the capital once her contract expires. Barnabus asks if Lyra would like to take things further that evening, but she politely declines, agreeing to meet him again in the morning.   Back at Siren's Song, Blair questions a bard who looks extremely tired. The bard explains that he has been having trouble sleeping due to bad dreams and a lot on his mind. As the night comes to a close, Celine spies on Samara Silverlocks and witnesses the beautiful singing of Eva Monroe's portrait. During the night, some members of the group experience strange dreams and visions, leaving them tired in the morning.   The next day, the party heads to the marketplace. On the way and the previous night, they witness townsfolk in passionate displays of love or dramatic arguments. At the marketplace, they watch Lyra's latest performance and see a thief being chased by the Order of the Shield. Lyra and Barnabus go for a stroll around town, closely followed by the rest of the group.   While walking through a park, they witness a dramatic breakup, with a young man being accused of attending a "perverted underground club." Questioning the man and comforting him with wine, the group secures the address and passphrase for this club. Lyra and Barnabus's walking date ends, and the group heads to The Kaiz Playhouse for their meeting with Madame Vespara.   They meet Vespara in her office and are taken to the main stage to meet her business associates: Misstress Nyxara and Virtue Morgatha Taren. The three women are the source of the influencers in town and propose that with Barnabus's help, they could quickly set up a similar operation in Kureta City, boosting merchant sales tremendously. Barnabus plays along to steer the conversation towards their true intentions.   The party mentions their investigation into the missing people in Kaiz and asks the women to drop any illusions they may be wearing, as others they have spoken with have done. Morgatha, in particular, is deeply offended by the accusation and tries to convince the party that such measures are unnecessary and uncalled for. She admits to using Magic to alter her appearance but claims it is the result of a potion that cannot simply be dropped. The party remains unconvinced, and as the matter escalates, Madame Vespara turns hostile, declaring that the party will not live to see their plans for the country unfold.
Report Date
21 Jun 2024
Primary Location


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