BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 37

General Summary

Collective Action engages in a fierce battle with the trio of influencer managers at The Kaiz Playhouse. The women quickly reveal their magical prowess, casting high-level spells and summoning imps to aid them. As the fight rages on, one of the women is exposed as a Night Hag under the effects of a Moonbeam spell. The party realizes they are facing a formidable hag coven.   The battle is arduous, with some adventurers being mind-controlled to fight against their companions. Despite the challenges, the party manages to slay one of the hags. The remaining hags, badly wounded, plead for their lives, offering powerful boons in exchange for mercy. However, their cries for a truce fall on deaf ears, and they are swiftly dispatched.   After collecting loot from the fallen hags, the adventurers leave the playhouse and alert the authorities to their discovery. They then head to Wild Things Café to update Melly Maypole. The old Half-Elf is relieved that her instincts were correct but laments her foolishness in accusing Samara Silverlocks and almost attempting to kill her.   Before leaving Kaiz, the party has one more important quest to complete: checking out the underground sex club. To their dismay, the club has closed for business now that the coven's influence over the town has faded. Collective Action then heads to Siren's Song to update Samara, who is pleased with their success and relieved that Melly will now leave her alone.   With their business in Kaiz concluded, the group sets off for Dora Lake. Before they leave, Lyra Brightsong approaches Barnabus, distressed over the death of her benefactor. She asks if his offer to help her find work in the capital still stands. Barnabus writes her a letter of recommendation for his new brother-in-law, Donovan Goodsilk.   The group arrives at Dora Lake the following day, finding the previously inert tower on the lake's northern shore now alive with a beautiful garden. Remembering that the tower is the summer home of Eloen Stillhawk, a member of the Erfu High Council, the party decides to knock on the door.   After some convincing, they are granted access to the tower and follow floating tea to a study. The elven wizard Eloen stands before them, with a no-nonsense look on her face. She asks why they have come to disturb her holiday, and Blair tells her about their illness.   Eloen recognizes the illness as "Amarandir," an ancient elven disease that the people of Erfu have long been immune to. She realizes that Sundamar or someone else in the Lightshiver family must be a carrier of the disease and passed it on to Blair when they met. Eloen has no cure for the illness but believes a high priest named Eldratha Agrivar in Erfu might be able to help.   Eloen agrees to grant the adventurers permission to enter Erfu in return for a favor. She asks the party to go into the Erfu Forest and use a compass she provides to locate an Archfey called Lord Eldreth. Lord Eldreth possesses a secret about Eloen that he took from her some time ago. Eloen has no idea what the secret is but fears it could be damaging if it fell into the wrong hands. She wants the party to retrieve it.   The group takes the compass and agrees to the request. Eloen gives them until the end of summer to complete the task, as she will have returned to Erfu by then. The party leaves the tower and heads around the lake to their own cottage, where a surprised Patrice is dismayed to see Meepo again.
Report Date
12 Jul 2024
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