BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 59

General Summary

  • Thrust into magical darkness, the party meet Quintella Vess, AKA The Creeping Night. 
  • The vampire explains that she and Shinato are playing a cosmic game of hide and seek, the winner being whoever touches the over first. The prize being complete control over the other.
  • Quintella enlists the help of the party, promising them riches, magic items and whatever else they may ask for. In exchange, she asks them to act as double agents. She bades them to continue their mission for Shinato, but to also gather information on the archfey - and relay this to her.
  • The party agree, and the deal is made.
  • Before leaving, Eva has a private meeting with the vampire, where she agrees a new warlock pact. Quintella siphons a fragment of her power to Eva through blood. She mentions that this will not break her written contract with Envy however, so she should probably keep her amulet attuned, and be on the lookout for trouble.
  • The party leave the abandoned necromancer's tower, and head south to investigate the fallen star.
  • On the way, Leah finds a piece of parchment with a riddle. She very quickly gives the correct answer, which seemingly reduces their travel time somehow. The next morning, the party wake next to the Bounty Falls.
  • Walking across the lake to the small village, the party's presence is recorded by a dwarf who sits in a small hut by the lake.
  • The group head to the small collection of houses that sit above ground, before veering north to the Bounty Mine Prison.
  • Once there, they encounter a familiar face in the form of Valen Elmwood. The young investigator has been sent to Bounty Mine to help investigate the appearance of a strange creature in the mines. However, her attempts to learn more have been brushed off by Troggon Rocksmasher - the leader of the mines.
  • Valen doesn't know much about the fallen star, as it occurred before her arrival. She does find a guard however, a half-elf called Willow, who knows more.
  • Willow's memory is hazy as she was returning home after a few drinks. With a clever Modify Memory spell from Veda however, she recalls with perfect clarity what she saw.
  • The falling star was no star at all, no rock... but a person. This person walked out of the lake, seemingly unharmed, though dazed.
  • The dwarves were quick to respond to the fallen star, and tried to prevent Willow from getting too close. Nevertheless, the guard saw this person and described her looking very similar to artist's depictions of the goddess Afflencia.
  • Recalling the dwarf they met at the lake, who strangely said "May the 4 keep you", the party put 2 and 2 together. After a few more questions, they surmise that this was indeed Afflencia, and that it is all too possible that The Goddess has destroyed another deity.
  • The party head to The Ore Store, where they purchase a few gems and investigate the small shrine. The shrine appears to be for The Goddess only, and shows no signs of being recently altered.
  • The group then head to the nearby tavern, where they interrogate a very tired and dirty man. After some breakfast, they decide to try and head below ground to find out what happened to Afflencia - who Willow said was taken in by the dwarves.
  • Speaking to the guards outside the mine shaft, the party bluff their way into the undercity, where they will be granted an audience with the dwarven leader.

Rewards Granted

Report Date
04 Jun 2021


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