BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 77

General Summary

  • Kenshin accepts the challenge of single combat against Protalacus, The Deep Dwelling
  • The dragon is impressed by Kenshin's skill, and after a few rounds of sparring, she invites the rest of the party to join
  • Protalacus assumes her true form, a shimmering blue dragon with gem-like scales, and unleashes a sonic breath weapon upon the group
  • A tough fight ensues, with half of the party falling unconscious at various times
  • As resources and resolve get low, Godric uses his last resort - transforming into a fiend once more
  • This development draws the dragon's attention, who from then on seems to direct all her attacks towards Godric only
  • The party continue to do battle with the dragon, eventually slaying her
  • Knowing what comes next, Veda polymorphs Godric into a cat, who struggles for a minute or so before becoming a regular - though scared - kitty
  • Kenshin picks up the dropped sheave, as Godric writes an apology letter for the dragon
  • The group decide to revive the dragon but are disappointed that it doesn't reveal the secrets of Calis. The dragon seems to be quite angered by the appearance of a fiend in the trial, and does not trust that the secrets will be safe
  • The dragon teleports away, leaving an upset Kenshin with the sword and sheathe, but not its secrets
  • The group leave the dungeon, returning to the shores of Kureta Lake where they discuss what happened and their next course of action
  • Kenshin agrees to stay with the party to fulfil their mission, and is given The Truth potion to bring him fully up to speed
  • The party take a well-needed rest under the stars, where some of the group notice the waters of the lake slowly changing from their magical turquoise to a mundane... regular water colour
  • During the night, Veda spots something not too far off in the bushes. A strange goblinoid creature, with shining blue eyes and carrying a sack notices the group and runs away. After running a short distance, the creature opens a portal, hops inside, and disappears.
  • The following morning, the party pack up and continue east towards Nakaba, stopping at Aztaun along the way

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Report Date
28 Jan 2022
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