BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 89

General Summary

  • The Unlikely Association are taken to Pride's Rock Inn for the night.
  • Eva uses Pippy to take a quick peek at the Church of 9 Lives, but finds nothing of note.
  • A rough though sufficient sleep is had, with only one disturbance in the night from some curious children
  • The following morning, a member of the Church of 9 Lives arrives to escort the group to their meeting with Aptior Lunardrifter
  • They pass the Hangman's Stage on the way, where 2 nooses are being set up for a user of dark Magic, and an adulterer
  • At the church, the group are left alone with Aptior, who congratulates the party on their victory. He offers his assistance in locating the artefact they have come for, in exchange for a favour
  • Aptior explains that Hidalgo has recently tried to start a mining operation in the east, in a barren land that has plenty of good stone. This was some time ago, and they haven't heard anything back from them. Attempts to reach the miners have also been unsuccessful
  • Aptior asks if the group would be willing to investigate. Upon their return, he will help them with their quest
  • The party agree to these terms, and with a few hours to kill, head to Pride of the Hunt to find Y'za
  • At the monster hunting guild, the adventurers meet Kexia Silverguide, a female Leonin who seems to be in charge
  • Kexia seems quite brash, and unhelpful. She summons Y'za however, and the party head outside to talk
  • Asking about the recent murders, Y'za is unable to offer any idea as to what is going on (he didn't even know about them)
  • A conversation is had about the Leonin's multiple lives, and Y'za explains that he has always been a bit helpless. He had tried to "cheat the system" by getting himself killed, hoping that his next life would be better
  • The conversation is interrupted by Kexia, who tells Y'za that he will be accompanying the party on their mission
  • Preparations are made, and the group head out of Hidalgo, and head towards the proposed mining site beyond the mountains
  • The trip is relatively uneventful, with the only thing of note being a small Leonin shrine to The Lnyx (Adonia)
  • Upon arriving on the edge of the dry desert area to the east, Y'za remarks that he finds it strange that they haven't found any tracks so far. It has been sometime since the miners and rescue teams left Hidalgo, but he would have expected to have seen some signs of them by now
  • The group travel for the best part of 1 more day, finally arriving at the spot marked on their map. There is no sign of a mining operation, or anyone being here recently
  • Eva contacts Tobur Fûne and Weddy McDowel to check on things back in the town. Weddy seems to be doing fine, and is currently staying with a member of The Clowder. Tobur has taken some of the Leonin to see the airship, as apparently their curiosity was getting to be too much
  • Veda summons the Hippogriff from The Unbreakable Chain, and flies up to get a better look around
  • There are no signs of life, except for the disturbed earth quickly making its way towards the party...
  • Report Date
    29 Jul 2022
    Primary Location


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