BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 9

General Summary

  • Arrive at the Dora Lake, head towards the tavern
  • Find the tavern ransacked by drunken kobolds, who are too intoxicated to take proper stock of the new arrivals
  • Whilst half the group converse with 3 kobolds in a trenchcoat upstairs, the other half witness a deadly explosion of fire wine in the basement
  • The tavern goes up in flames, and Celine manages to rescue one extra Kobold before the tavern collapses
  • The leader of this group agrees to take the party to the kobolds' chief as thanks for Celine's brave rescue
  • On the way to the beach on the opposite side of the lake, Roan notices movement inside one of the holiday homes
  • The party are introduced to Lord Fangcrusher, leader of the kobolds. Fangcrusher is a fairly aggressive Kobold, who only just barely tolerates the group, despite Blair's antagonisation. He agrees to take the party to meet their dragon master; Nihilrax the Ebon Doom, Harbinger of Desolation - only because the group rescued one of their own.
  • Whilst the party wait for the kobolds to gather their dragon offerings, Roan hears a magical message in her mind to meet someone in the holiday home they walked past
  • Roan asks to excuse herself as nature calls, and persuades her Kobold guard to leave her in pursuit of a possible Kobold threesome
  • In the holiday home, Roan meets Jarethir Olghast, leader of the Church of Afflencia (aka The Merchant's Covenant). Jarethir explains that he was on the road to Kaiz from Kureta City with a contingent from his church when they had to divert off the main road - and were attacked by kobolds
  • The kobolds killed most of the group, but Jarethir managed to escape, and chose to persue the kobolds to Dora Lake
  • The kobolds have stolen a holy relic of the church, the Staff of Gold. Jarethir cannot return to the capital without it, and asks Roan to help him recover the item
  • Roan agrees, and tells Jarethir to sit tight while she convenes with the group
  • Meanwhile, the rest of the party watch as one of Fangcrusher's guards sneaks off with a female Kobold, and speak to some other kobolds who are very confused as to Meepo's identity
  • The party travel with the kobolds to the north-western side of the lake, where they are taken down into a cave
  • They are introduced to a black dragon, who is perhaps slightly smaller than expected, but still fearsome nonetheless
  • Barnabus convinces the dragon to speak with them privately, and the kobolds are all dismissed from the cave
  • The dragon reveals that he was in fact hired by Mayor Leon Jay to destroy Kaiz's side of the Dora Lake, however, the greedy mayor refused to pay the dragon its due
  • As compensation, the dragon decided to claim the lake for its own, allowing its Kobold minions to move in too
  • The dragon agrees to leave the lake if the adventurers can either acquire the missing payment, or bring him Leon's head
  • Despite their best efforts, the dragon does not agree to relinquish the Staff of Gold, unless he is provided with something of greater or equal value
  • The party leave the cave, to the surprised faces of the Kobold tribe
  • They head east past the large elven tower, discovering that it belongs to a member of the Elven High Council, before continuing on their way back to Aztaun
  • Roan makes a quick stop to see Jarethir, updating him on the situation and giving him a gift of a rock
  • On the way back to Aztaun, Meepo Jr has a strange dream about being a dragon egg keeper, and being recruited by adventurers...
  • Report Date
    26 May 2023
    Primary Location
    Related Characters


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