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Eva - The Price of Fame

The Deal

All of Eva's good looks, talents and fame were stolen from others as part of the ritual to make her who she is today. Envy, The Jealous helped Eva to steal these things and in return she must repay him with 'one little favour' - her unborn child.

The Forgotten Year

  During the year that Eva forgot, she was required to do a number of things. Most of which she was ok with, but there was one thing that she couldn't live with. As part of her pact with Envy, the archdevil agreed to erase the year of servitude from Eva's memory, after all, what use would she be in that sort of state?  

The Tasks

  Envy, the longing to have what others possess. To ease one's envy, one must take what they desire from those that have it. Here's what Eva took:  
  • Envy gave to Eva a magical mirror. This mirror held the power to steal the appearance of anybody who looked into it. Eva sought the beauty she longed for, and stole it from Gwendolyn Sorinson in Chimuk.
  • Envy gave to Eva a magical set of pipes. These pipes would summon a mist, to engulf and sap the reputation of those it enveloped. Eva knew of The Super Troupers - who didn't? She managed to catch them on the road, where she stole their fame for herself.
  • Envy gave to Eva a magical flask. This flask would steal the voice of whoever put their lips to the item to take a sip. Eva gave the flask to Samara Silverlocks as a gift, having long heard her voice in Kaiz, and wishing to have it for her own.
  • Envy gave to Eva a magical pair of gloves. These gloves would drain the dextrous talents of a professional, stealing their skills. Eva befriended Harvey Trip of Takari Peak, gifting him the gloves that stole his abilities to play music, and craft items.
  • Envy gave to Eva a magical music box. The music box when opened, would show a dancing girl moving ever so gracefully. The music was somewhat eerie however. When the whole song was listened to, it would capture the grace of its listener within the tiny dancer. Eva gave the music box to Melly Maypole, the young girl showing great potential to dance - a child's grace like no other. Little did Eva know, it would take more than just the ability to dance from this developing girl.
All of these items can still be found in Eva's home, though they appear mundane and non-magical now, their power expended.  
With her new body, talents and charm, Eva quickly began to rise to fame. Her beautiful singing voice and her unearthly grace got her in front of many wealthy and notable figures, such as Virtue Amie Taren of Kaiz, Commander Ewan Janson, Tobur Fûne, and other wealthy merchants and nobles. Eva entered a whirlwind of fame, earning more wealth than she knew what to do with. She bought herself a home on the south side of Kureta Park and opened an account with the Platinum Vaults - making a large deposit of just under 9000 GP.   Despite not actually completing a course at the College of Exquisite Arts, it is widely believed that Eva must be a graduate - simply because of how good she is. Nobody has ever bothered to ask for her credentials, her talents speak for themselves.   Her charms brought her much attention in the way of companionship. Enjoying this new life, Eva could have anyone she wanted. After a few flings and short-encounters, she engaged in a relationship with Tobur Fûne. He was interesting enough, but didn't quite have the status Eva needed from a partner. Commander Ewan Jansen was certainly a notable and handsome figure, but he turned out to be somewhat of a dolt, and so she began ignoring him pretty quickly.

Eva Monroe's Account

The password for Eva's account at the Platinum Vaults is "Undeserved".   As of Gennes Day, it has 12,087 GP inside.   As of Glacious Day: 9200GP.


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